Hello I'm Jayneous

Neous Posts: 12 Member
My story is as follow i needed to loose the pregnancy weight after my second daughter was born , I'm the husband who had the cravings. at 218lbs and 26% bf i new P90x was not an option (i'd done 2 rounds 5 years prior). so i went for the Insanity workout. I'm currently at day 61 of Insanity with 2 days to go. my results are to my liking as I workout at full capacity except for Abs workout.
one major area needs watching is the diet, I've always been a bit lax cuz we mostly buy organic stuff and we don't do much of junk food eating.
I'll finish Insanity in 3 days and in August I'll start a hybrid of P90X3 / Focus T25 with lots of swimming and spinning thrown in just because I can but mostly with the hope that my wife gets motivated enough to join in of the fun

so I'm here for motivation and accountability
wish me luck



  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    How old are the children? Your wife might ever get on board with your food and exercise plans. Be prepared for that. Do this for yourself.
  • Neous
    Neous Posts: 12 Member
    the girls are 5 y o and 10 weeks. i do ok on the nutrition side i mainly need to watch my portions. I definitely do it for myself cuz even while I ballooning up during the pregnancy i was at the pool once a week and on my spinning bike once in a while cuz i had no goals.
    the recruiting plan for my wife is simply to lead by example, so we got P90X3 and Focus T25 cuz we're busy and a workout under 1 hour is a good starting point. for a working mother (she's going back soon)
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    The 10 week old is so young!! You guys have your hands full. Enjoy this time.
    The five year old will benefit from your good eating habits -- reasonable portions and so on.