Weekly cals and deficits??

Ok so say I wasn't trying to lose weight. The amount of calories I should eat per day is technically my tdee right? If so, than I times that by 7 to get a weekly amount of calories I should be eating. Than I subtract a deficit to lose weight? I'm looking at more of a weekly thing than a daily cause I'm trying 5:2. So by saying this I am right, right?


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    When maintaining weight, yes you should be eating at your TDEE level.

    If I understand 5:2 correctly (if not please disregard), you eat at maintenance level 5 days out of the week and for 2 days you eat a lower amount to create your weekly deficit. With this in mind, I don't think you would subtract a percent from your TDEE for those 2 days. I think you would subtract half the amount of calories that is equal to the amount you want the scale to go down both days. Okay, I worded that last sentence really confusing, so here is an example:

    My TDEE = Approx 2218
    0.5lb per week loss: 1750

    5 days per week = 2218
    2 days per week = 1334

    0.9lb per week loss:

    5 days per week = 2218
    2 days per week = 600

    If you just want to do TDEE, then you subtract a % off of your daily TDEE.