Breakfast Smoothies



  • karenMcMillan0712
    karenMcMillan0712 Posts: 82 Member
    I see alot of whey protein-Why-Is it you need more protein in your diet-I like berries yogurt and Coconut milk in mine. But every other recipe has protein. curios
  • WildCatClimbs
    WildCatClimbs Posts: 35 Member
    Protein is filling, and digests slowly so it keeps you fuller, longer and has the same amount of calories per gram as carbs. Also, you need protein to build muscle. Win win.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Has anyone had success with blending the smoothie the night before? My Vitamix is SUPER loud, well ok not super loud but loud enough that I don't want to use it at 7am while my husband is still asleep. I love the idea of a grab and go healthy breakfast, it would save me so much time in the morning!

    It will work ok depending on what you put in the smoothie. I use frozen berries/banana to get a thick texture and that wouldn't last until the next morning. If that doesnt bother you though, it is fine to pre-mix the smoothie, put it in a shaker bottle in the fridge, and just shake it up again when you're ready to drink it.