what's a watt?

watkinsc Posts: 177 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I have been trying to understand exactly what a watt is, in terms of my exercising. I ride a stationary bike, and I usually hang at between 100-120 watts, per the read-out on the bike, while increasing the difficulty level gradually as I ride. I ride for about 60 mins, but am extending my time. Today I did 90 mins. Now, 120 watts at 90mins time, for ME, is no walk-in-the-park, so to speak. But when I looked up the watt levels and what it means, it says that 100 watts is light effort and 150 is moderate. Uhm.. 120 watts seems like a pretty moderate effort to me.. Who are these standards for? I realize I am not an athlete, but am I really that big a wussy? =)


  • Watt is basically the amount of effort it takes. In other words, it is not based on how long you ride but the amount of energy required to make a revolution. So, I guess what i am saying, for example if you have the maximum resistance set, if will require more wattage output, even if you ride for five minutes. I hope this kind of clarifies. Good Luck!!
  • Energy. Just like with electricity/bulbs/plugs. Things of that nature. You could power a 100-120 watt bulb with the effert you are putting into it.
  • watkinsc
    watkinsc Posts: 177 Member
    So is it better for me to ride for a shorter time at a higher watt? Or a longer time, but at a lower watt?
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,393 Member
    Now, 120 watts at 90mins time, for ME, is no walk-in-the-park, so to speak. But when I looked up the watt levels and what it means, it says that 100 watts is light effort and 150 is moderate. Uhm.. 120 watts seems like a pretty moderate effort to me.. Who are these standards for? I realize I am not an athlete, but am I really that big a wussy? =)

    You cracked me up. :) It is a standard way of measuring energy expended, but I'd say don't pay that much mind to it. If you perceive that it 'feels' moderate, then by gosh, it's moderate. If you were going for a shorter duration, you'd maybe go faster/harder (higher watts), but since you're going for a really long duration, you have to back it off a tad. No, you're not being a wuss. =) If you think of it in terms like a runner, they'll have a certain pace they can run a mile in...like a sprint since they dont need to conserve energy for the long haul. That same person's 5K pace will be little slower, their 10K pace slower still, and marathon pace will be way slower cuz they really need to conserve their energy. I'd easily equate your 90-minute e so ffort to doing a half-marathon so cut yourself some slack, girl. I'm sure your heart rate was up there, you were working up a good sweat, and you dang sure were building your strength and endurance! Don't let that number diminish your accomplishment...you absolutely should be proud! :drinker:
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,393 Member
    So is it better for me to ride for a shorter time at a higher watt? Or a longer time, but at a lower watt?

    The answer? Depends... Sure you could exercise for a shorter time if you want to go faster/harder. You have to do some math to figure out how much though. Aside from that, anytime you can "go long" (provided you don't injure yourself or get so sick of it you never want to do it again) you'll only get stronger. Plus, any time you're exercising, you're not eating. LOL

    OK, I originally put some really nerdy math and science stuff in here, but I must've had something wrong cuz it didn't calculate out correctly when I tried to cross-check it. :-/
  • watkinsc
    watkinsc Posts: 177 Member
    Hmmm.. Sounds like either way I am burning energy, ie calories.. So, I guess I will just keep pedalling along ... =)

    thanks everyone!

  • So is it better for me to ride for a shorter time at a higher watt? Or a longer time, but at a lower watt?

    It depends on the type of results you are pursuing... endurance training or strength training. I would not worry so much about the watts. Go with what your body is telling you and do not get injured is what matters?
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