Over 50, late night snacking and drinking

wazask8er Posts: 856 Member
Hi all, this is my first post, though I've been using the food diary at MyFitnessPal for awhile.

I start out well every day with the healthy eating choices and some exercise-- no problem all day long. But late at night, while I'm working on my writing, I drink wine and snack. I start out with healthy snacks and then lose all abandon, stay up too late, eat and drink too much. I don't feel well in the morning, but after some coffee, I get going and repeat. I used to be able to eat and drink what I wanted, but after an injury that involved a long recuperation, along with menopause, I'm a different person and those habits don't work anymore.

Does anyone know of an ACTIVE group on here devoted to supporting folks like me who want to change these habits?


  • Hi, I am new as well! I am also over 50 and love to snack and drink wine! I just posted about that same very thing. I started drinking wine to help with peri symptoms and now have gotten into the habit of drinking it every night with dinner. I try to keep it to no more than two but when I have company over, I tend to overdo it. I do try to include the wine in my daily calories and try to stay around 1200 calories a day. I think that is what will be recommended. To include the calories in your daily totals.

    Let's work on this together. I will send a friend request!

  • Kidominos
    Kidominos Posts: 1,249 Member
    I don't know of an active group but if it were me I would make the drinks and snacks at night fit into my macros and calorie deficit goals. Which would mean figuring out how many calories you eat and drink at night and then either eating less earlier in the day or exercising more so you have the extra calories at night. Maybe that means you cut back on your portions but still have them. Weigh and log them in smaller amounts than usual if needed and then put the rest out of reach. If you have an urge to want more, then weigh out a small portion again and log and put the rest away again. Some may not agree but I believe in having what you want in moderation as long as it fits within my goals..
  • I'm right there with you. I have a stressful job and get home late, sit up and watch TV to unwind, having my glass of wine and a snack. I need to change this bad habit for my health! I look forward to getting to know some other folks who I can be accountable to.
  • headlock_lynn
    headlock_lynn Posts: 79 Member
    I am so pleased to hear I'm not the only one! I am in my 50s as well. Have 2 glasses of wine in an evening. One with supper and another afterwards. Just enjoying the mellow flavour and savouring it. I'm also big into the snacking and not healthy snacks either. I am a carb freak and snack on potatoe chips, mainly the ruffled ones or peanuts when we have them. Wish I could pack it in. I have put on pounds this past year after working so hard to get my excess weight off and being very happy this time last year with my weight. Now I am sick of myself. Just can't seem to get the willpower to stop this evening binging.
  • wazask8er
    wazask8er Posts: 856 Member
    Thanks, Summer.
  • wazask8er
    wazask8er Posts: 856 Member
    Sounds like a very proactive way to handle it. I will try...
  • mad923
    mad923 Posts: 42 Member
    That would be a group I would join... ;-)
    I agree with Kidominos about adding all snacks to the daily food listing.
  • pita7317
    pita7317 Posts: 1,437 Member
    Pretty much exactly what I have done...hmmm about ten years now, how time flies !
    I log my wine calories now and make a big effort to keep my consumption at 2 sometimes 3.
    Has helped a lot compared to my mind set of not even thinking about it.
    Same thing with food. Just can't eat whatever I want anymore...let me rephrase that, eat as much as I want anymore.
    Can't remember the last time I ate off a dinner plate.
    Salad plate is perfect.
  • voitdancer
    voitdancer Posts: 61 Member
    Hi all, this is my first post, though I've been using the food diary at MyFitnessPal for awhile.

    I start out well every day with the healthy eating choices and some exercise-- no problem all day long. But late at night, while I'm working on my writing, I drink wine and snack. I start out with healthy snacks and then lose all abandon, stay up too late, eat and drink too much. I don't feel well in the morning, but after some coffee, I get going and repeat. I used to be able to eat and drink what I wanted, but after an injury that involved a long recuperation, along with menopause, I'm a different person and those habits don't work anymore.

    Does anyone know of an ACTIVE group on here devoted to supporting folks like me who want to change these habits?

    Perfect question - my issue exactly and has been for some time. I do great all day and then have that glass of wine in the evening which leads to another and snacking...! I posted a question about getting away from this awhile back and great ideas were given, as here, to include the wine & snack as part of your calorie intake for the day. Another thought which is something I am trying, put one serving size of your snack of choice to munch on out and only allow yourself that much. Another great idea I've read is to hit the "complete your entry for today"/"submit", whatever it says when your done posting your calorie intake for the day and that way you might not go back to the logging and hopefully it will help you make sure you are done eating/drinking for the day. You obviously have to make it work for you, it's tough, I know. But, we also know, "what you eat in private, you wear in public", I found this phrase and it haunts me at times, which is a good thing. Another thought, drink a glass of water before that 2nd glass of wine and in between each glass of wine, it may make you feel fuller and you will no longer want anything else. Another thing I am doing, if I know I may be at a function later where there will be snacking/drinking I make my workout that day longer or add a different type of workout, doing 2 different workouts a day. Good luck to you and feel free to add me as a friend, it really is nice to know I am not the only one who does this. Have a great day!
  • cossmoss15
    cossmoss15 Posts: 509 Member
    Great topic! And thanks for the great suggestions.

    I’ve been busy and have taken a break from logging – I know not good. When I was logging and trying to stay at 1200 calories I realized it didn’t leave much room for wine without giving up nutrition. I tried to do some exercise to allow those extra calories. Not consistent but I figure every little bit helps.

    Now to get out of my slump and get back on track! Best of luck to all.
  • chyrece
    chyrece Posts: 12 Member
    Me too! Writer by trade ... wine drinking at night while I work. I had a complicated achilles surgery that resulted in a 6 months recovery period with very limited activity. Add to that I was already perimenopausal and, well, the weight just kept piling on and shows no signs of leaving no matter what I do. I'm all for this kind of group -- we're a special breed! LOL
  • nworbgirl
    nworbgirl Posts: 13
    Are you my twin?? I have ditched the late night snacking though, but not staying up late. Somewhat following the eight hour diet..mostly just the time requirements has helped; however, just having the guideline has helped me cut out the late night snacking. Feel free to add me. I'm over 50 :-)
  • nworbgirl
    nworbgirl Posts: 13
    Meant to add that I don't put any food in my mouth after 8 PM. That is the law!
  • voitdancer
    voitdancer Posts: 61 Member
    Meant to add that I don't put any food in my mouth after 8 PM. That is the law!

    I need to adopt and enforce this law!
  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,425 Member
    I'm right there with the night time snacking, I always save calories for a snack before bed.
    It makes me feel like I'm not deprived.
    Good luck to you.
  • CAC10456
    CAC10456 Posts: 117 Member
    Me too! I love my wine, but am realizing I can't have it (at least not without the munchies that go with it. I will definitely try some of these great ideas.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    Me too, I was a late night snacker and over several years 25 pounds of snacking did a stealth attack. You've just got to stop doing it.

    It's kind if like mindless eating, you finish a good paragraph, your mind is consumed with other thoughts and like a robot taking over the refrigerator gets raided. Yes I remember the feeling, then reality hit after I joined MFP, that my mindless robot eating I just consumed another 400 to 500 snacking late at night, that I didn't need nor was I hungry for, and that was the changing point for me.