Insanity + Ramadan = Problem

Hey guys!

This is the first time I ever post on these boards, and I am doing so because I have a problem (first world problem, so it it is nothing to be TOO concerned about :) ). I am currently 2 weeks away from completion of Insanity, which is really great. My results have been substantial, I have dropped 16 pounds and am probably in my best shape of the last decade (I am 27), so I am very happy with that.

My problem however is that the second month of Insanity coincided almost exactly with the beginning of Ramadan (poor planning maybe?). This means that I am fasting every day from 3 am until around 7:00 pm, which is the source of my problem.

I am now 2 weeks into the second month, which means that I have 2 weeks of insanity AND of Ramadan left. I am really starting to tire mentally and physically, physically because I feel that there is an accumulating physical tax, possibly because of the irregularity of meals, and mentally because it is affecting my social life. I found that I have to wait 4 hours after my meal before i can get into my workout, which means that I have been unable to leave my house to meet up with friends on most days.

Anyone else having this problem with a cardio-based workout in Ramadan? Did anyone manage to find a way around this problem? I really don't want to stop now, I have two weeks left. It would be such a shame.

Thanks for reading!