
Anyone out there doing well with their weight loss, but aware that at some level it is troubling the poeple around them? I've lost about 22 pounds in roughly 8 weeks. My loved one has also lost some weight, but not as much, and I can tell that her feelings are hurt because she has not been able to do as well. It's not that she isn't supportive and happy for me. She is. But I haven't been able to get her acknowledge the weight she has been able to lose, rather than focusing on whet she has't lost. Any thoughts or similar experiences?


  • sherylhs
    sherylhs Posts: 141 Member
    All you can do is continue to be an inspiration by doing well. You are doing this for you - bottom line. Don't let other people's feelings ... or perceived feelings get in your way.

    Please don't turn this into negative talk for yourself. Keep up what your doing and be as supportive as you can.

    Good luck!
  • rdy2lose
    rdy2lose Posts: 106
    Been there, but on the other side. My husband loses weight so easily and so fast, it isn't fair. It is discouraging and disheartening. I find it is better to lose on my own and not worry about what he is doing.

    Unfortunately for women, we lose weight slower then men, especially after the age of 40. There was even an article in Time magazine about women vs. men and how our bodies react to exercise. Apparently exercise suppresses men's appetites and increases women's. They believe that this has something to do with child bearing.

    Good luck to you both and tell her not to get discouraged, any weight loss is a good loss and everyone loses differently. The fact that she lost anything is a big WIN! :smile:
  • untamedheart
    My boyfriend and I have been going to the gym for 2 months while I watch what I eat and he eats whatever he wants: He's lost 10lbs and I've only lost 3lbs...from a female standpoint that is VERY disconcerting. But I know that I'll eventually get there and I have a female friend that I work out with instead of him which helps to motivate me. I also try to be active in the message boards on me because I find that sharing my experiences or giving helpful advice on here lets me know that sometimes I'm not the only one that is having problems reaching my goal and it motivates me as well. I've also looked at it like this, the amount of weight I have to lose and the amount my boyfriends wants to lose are completely different and I've accepted the fact that a man's metabolism is way different so it's sometimes easier for a man to lose weight than a woman.