ahem**** ladies?? this way please!!



  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I was on my period last week and I was incredibly hungry as well. I wanted some junk food and soda and I honestly didn't feel like resisting. So I didn't. I didn't go crazy but I wasn't strict either. I still went to the gym like I was supposed to, but I ate pizza, ice cream cake, etc. I still lost almost 1.5 pounds. So give yourself a little freedom to indulge but don't go overboard. Keep exercising and drinking lots of water. A couple of days won't reverse the hard work you've been putting in, it's not going to slow down your metabolism and you shouldn't gain weight.
  • lfondots
    lfondots Posts: 216 Member
    Ok, so I usually have cravings then too. I think we all do. I would say eat steamed veggies with just a little sea salt or a mrs. dash seasoning? You can pretty much eat as much as you want. Of course add it to your diary. Also high fiber might help keep you full. Or have you tried a snack between each meal. Eating every 2-3 hours might keep you full enough to not eat everything not nailed down. Good luck!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Yeah, ok, this happens to me too. I have a few tricks to combat this. Firstly, take a calcium supplement. It just makes me feel better. Now, eat several times a day. Just make sure it's healthy and semi-small. For instance, have a banana and a crumpet. A few hours later, have an apple with peanut butter. Third, lentils. They are packed with fibre and red split lentils with garam masala and curry powder are a life saver. Also, oily fish seems to take away some of my cravings. I'm not quite sure why, but salmon around that time helps a lot. I haven't seen it over here, but chocolate milk is great too. I'm not talking those fattening milkshakes they sell at Tesco. I mean skimmed milk with chocolate syrup. I haven't seen any hershey's chocolate over here, but that is the syrup I used to use. Finally, drink! Drink all of the water you're supposed to, and maybe a little more. Have a little coffee or tea too. I don't care what anyone says. It's just a cup of tea. It's not the devil.