Resistance training over 40...

When I was younger, I could train my abs every day and lower body every other day... Now that I'm over 40, I'm not sure what the recovery time is... Anyone out there know????
I don't think I can improve much on my nutrition... I had a diabetes scare and really cleaned up my diet(no simple carbs),good lean proteins, low fat dairy, nuts and seeds, lotsa veggies, and eggs...
I'm pretty active too, run 4-8...hrs a week, kickbox, do pilates, and yoga, and some strength training... If I just listened to what my body told me, I'd never skip a But I know I would never see any results...
The problem is, I just seem to be putting in more effort, and getting less results... :(


  • julest25
    julest25 Posts: 140 Member
    They normally say 48 hours is the optimum. Do cardio on your rest day.
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    My workout routine never hits the same body part two days in row.

    I do resistance training MWF and ABS those days. The others are a mix of Cardio and Stretching.

    Rest is key to results. After a few weeks of working out hard I have a less intense week away from resistance training and do more stretchin/Yoga, and less intense cardio. Those rest weeks are where you restore your body after beating it up.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I try not to work the same body part two days in a row, that includes ab work. To help whittle away the fat on the abs you can do an overall cardio workout. It will benefit the entire body. This statement is not meant as spot reduction.
  • ganesha303
    ganesha303 Posts: 257 Member
    Agreed with no more than every other day for weight training a particular muscle. Also, your gains will slow over time as you approach your genetic potential... Once you are generally fit, results come much more slowly...
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    With any kind of strength training, it's the Rest phase that is where you make the gains...that being said, it's also the most neglected.

    Think of it this way:

    When you train a body part, the muscles send a signal to the brain saying: "Hey...we've been asked to work more than we're used to here....we need more energy so that next time that happens, we're ready for it".

    Your brain responds by telling the body to store more energy at the cellular level, so that you're better prepared for the next round of stress....otherwise known as Adaptation.

    So in your next workout, your body is ready for the stress, but you push a little harder each time and the cycle repeats itself again and again.

    The rest phase varies from person to person, but as others have already shared generally 48 hours between workouts for any given body part is a general guideline.

    I've had clients who've gotten twice the results by increasing their time between workouts in order to allow for more complete recovery.

    From your description, it sounds like you've got alot of other good hobbies on the go which will help with your goals. Age isn't a factor.

    Try scheduling a basic Full Body routine including Abs at twice a week working each muscle group to fatique and you should find the results you're looking for.
