Foot problems

megaloox Posts: 31
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
So, this past weekend I took a trip to Chicago and did a lot of walking; when I got home, I found that my left foot was really painful to walk on, especially by the heel/arch part. There are no blisters or scratches or puncture wounds--any ideas about what I might've done? It seems like it hurts most when there is pressure applied to that part of my foot when I'm walking or standing on it.


  • Could be plantar fasciitis. If you google that you will find a lot of information on it. I have it in my left foot. It puts a damper on exercise sometimes. It needs to be stretched a lot, and good supporting shoes are a must!
  • It sounds like you have heel spurs or plantar fasciitis. They cause the same kind of pain and are very common in athletes. You may want to google for home treatment options. What helps me is making sure my calf muscles are strong. Take extra time to stretch them, as they are connected to the arch of your foot. Also, it helps to take an antiinflammatory. You can freeze a plastic water bottle and roll this under your foot, too. I hope this helps.
  • Denimgirl
    Denimgirl Posts: 87 Member
    I have it too! I stretch my foot a lot and I bought a good pair of Asics sports shoes. It really does make it better. Mine has been so bad before that I could barely walk.
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    i have no scientific basis for this, but i find it helps to do part of your pre-workout stretch BAREFOOT.
    that might be just me. telltale sign of PF is that it hurts most when you first wake up!

    good luck - sorry you're in pain.
  • Yup sounds like plantar fasciitis. I have it in my left and a bone spur as well. Doc says the bone spur isn't the problem because most of us have them :( She put me in a boot for almost 2 months, and it finally went away. I stretch it everyday now just to keep it at bay. Hope yours starts to feel better.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    My podiatrist has a great article on his website about pf. He is at He's a holistic podiatrist and uses non-surgical treatments. The praises on his website are wonderful. I worked for a DPM for 8 years and was super picky about who I went to, I'm wonderfully impressed by the information and his approach to things. Definitely go read his information you'll learn a bunch about pf and the treatments.
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