Looking for Friends for Motivation!

Hey all!

I am looking for some friends for motivation purposes. Maybe we can help each other A little about myself: I am a college student going into my fourth year at the University of Minnesota. Go GOPHERS! (lol). Anyway, I have never been a skinny kid and I can't remember a time when I wasn't above 250 lbs, to be honest. I have been chubby throughout my life. I am now hitting the scales at 304 (I have lost 12 lbs so far). I got an a scale about 10 days ago and saw that I had passed 300 and I knew something had to be done!

I have tried dieting without exercise. It works for a little bit and then it backfires! This time around I am taking another approach. JOGGING! I have always dreamed of being able to RUN! Right now, I can barely make it up a flight of stairs without puffing. I could definitely use some friends that have some experience in starting out running. It seems to be doing a number on my ankle (I have sprained my ankles a bunch in soccer, so my ankles are acting up a bit when I am jogging).

Other than that, I am your average college student. I am going into a competitive career path of Advertising. I love music and concerts, and I love the TV show SUPERNATURAL (and yes... this hiatus is KILLING ME) lol

Well, who wants to be this crazy chick's friend?? :)


  • beccampdorf
    beccampdorf Posts: 1 Member
    I sent you a friend request! Have you tried the couch to 5k program? That's what I'm using!