Morning after MSG :/

Ok so last night we had a family Chinese takeaway.This morning I feel shaky like my insides have tremors.Could this due to the fact I've had MSG?Also not had added salt or high fat for two weeks when I started dieting.Is my body in shock or am I sensitive to MSG?


  • pbbagel
    pbbagel Posts: 53 Member
    MSG itself isn't bad for you, probably just the high fat/salt/sugar in the food you ate. Drink water, eat light and fresh food, you should feel better soon. :)
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    One swallow does not make a summer. It could be many things or just one of those days you cannot draw any conclusions from one meal and one reaction that may or may not be connected
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    MSG is a wonderful, wonderful thing... in 1992, I met the best-looking man I had EVER seen in my ENTIRE life, and after knowing him for a month, he finallly invited me to spend the night with him for the first time. Early in the day, I fixed myself a pot of rice with as much salt, as much soy sauce, and as much MSG as I could possibly stand-- so that I would retain water so that my breasts would be larger! The next day, my friends were all asking me, "Did the salty rice work?" (It did! It did! Thank you MSG!)
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    MSG is a wonderful, wonderful thing... in 1992, I met the best-looking man I had EVER seen in my ENTIRE life, and after knowing him for a month, he finallly invited me to spend the night with him for the first time. Early in the day, I fixed myself a pot of rice with as much salt, as much soy sauce, and as much MSG as I could possibly stand-- so that I would retain water so that my breasts would be larger! The next day, my friends were all asking me, "Did the salty rice work?" (It did! It did! Thank you MSG!)

    Oh, my! Your story is both hot and hilarious! Oooh, mama :blushing: .

    MSG is DELICIOUS, but a migraine trigger for me. Sigh, I don't know why, but it is. I limit my Chinese takeout to one item only (my yummy, yummy egg drop or hot/sour soup monthly fix, :love:) and avoid it as much as possible (processed box stuff I take in moderation).
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    Yes indeed-- and for dinner, he fixed me cabbage and potatoes and he put lemon pepper in it... I swear to this very day that lemon pepper is an aphrodisiac....!