Hi from a Newbie

sammo72 Posts: 5 Member
Just wanted to check-in and say Hi to everyone out there.
A brief background about me.
I am a 42yr old retired Police Officer, now Personal Trainer who loves endurance sports.
I started running 4yrs ago at 115kgs and got my weight down to the mid 80's late last year.
However, a few recent things in my life have led to my weight ballooning again and I cant seem to get it under control.
Medication for PTSD are not helping, nor the fact that I am primary carer for my terminally ill wife with breast cancer.
Last week I managed to run the Gold Coast marathon in 4hrs57min, which was 15min slower then when I last ran
it 3 yrs ago.
My weight is sitting at 98kgs, which is scaring my and considering that I might be a sole parent to my 2 daughters in
the near future, I need to find my health again and be around for them.
Looking forward to the accountability that this site bring.


  • lesleyann51
    lesleyann51 Posts: 26 Member
    Hello my name is lesley Ann so sorry to read about your wife. My thought are with you. I am in the same age bracket as you 43 also in need of inspiration. I am a teacher and finding it harder to achieve general fitness possibly due to lack of motivation and overall working too many hours. Would love if you could add me
    Lesley ann