BeachBody Product FANatic:)



  • HollyMac20
    HollyMac20 Posts: 259 Member
    I've been hearing a lot of people posting about BeachBody products. I gave up exercising for a year and I'm trying to get back in the swing of things. I'm having difficultly completing an hour long step aerobics class because my endurance hasn't built back up. Considering this, is there a certain product you'd recommend? I'm trying to take off weight and firm up so that I look awesome in my wedding dress in June.


    It depends what you like to do. If you are a dancer, I would go Turbo Jam. It is a great kick boxing workout combined with some dance moves. If that isn't your style, try Slim in 6. They are timeless moves that really work. No matter what you try, just stick with it and give it your best. The stamina will come back and you will be doing and hour workout before you know it. You can do it!!!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    We just started the Insanity program this week at work. There is a group that get together at lunch and go bananas. Excited to do the whole program for a change!

    I'm on my 4th week of the 3rd time through the program (not in a row, lol) and I love it! I did Cardio Power and Resistance just now. 669 calories gone!!!
    JLYNNFL01 Posts: 20 Member
    I have Power 90, P90X, Turbo Jam, YBB, Rev ABs, One on Ones, Slim in 6, Insanity, Chalene Extreme, and Turbo Fire.

    I have seen my best results with Turbo Jam, Chalene Extreme, and Slim in 6.

    I would personally recommend for any woman just trying to restart their workouts to start with Slim in 6 and then jump into Chalene Extreme! You won't be disappointed.

  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I have Power 90, P90X, Turbo Jam, YBB, Rev ABs, One on Ones, Slim in 6, Insanity, Chalene Extreme, and Turbo Fire.

    I have seen my best results with Turbo Jam, Chalene Extreme, and Slim in 6.

    I would personally recommend for any woman just trying to restart their workouts to start with Slim in 6 and then jump into Chalene Extreme! You won't be disappointed.


    Hey Jenny I couldn't agree with this more. Even for a guy Slim in 6 isn't a bad move. I started with P90X and just wasn't ready for it, by the third month my body started revolting against me. Ended up skipping more work outs then I actually did. My wife wanted to try Slim in 6, so I got it for her and I ended up completing the program. Saw amazing results! Now I know they just came out with a new version so I am curious to see what it looks like. I may buy it for my wife again as a holiday present.

    I agree a good progressing is Slim in 6 (or 10 Minute Trainer), to ChaLEAN Extreme, to P90X to Insanity.

    Hope this helps,
  • turboandrea
    I love BB programs!

    I've done P90X, Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire and a few workouts from both Brazil Butt Lift and Insanity. I agree that Tony Horton annoys the crap out of me, but his strength workouts were really nice.

    I love Insanity but it is WICKED hard to work up to - man! The warmup alone kills me, lol. I want to eventually go through Insanity since my boyfriend completed it this spring. Shaun T. is an awesome motivator, but Chalene Johnson is the trainer for me. She always gets me to push.
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    i'm on week 4 of p90x its been areally good program so far
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    The programs look interesting on their website. I tend to like female instructors better than men. I think their skinny figures inspire me.*LOL* Keeping this in mind, the BeachBody website recommends Slim in 6 and Turbo Jam for people just getting started. Can anyone explain what these videos are like?
