Pain in my shins...

crissi66 Posts: 98
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
im starting to increase the amount of days i go to the gym, trying to offset the holidays, but i have the worst burning sensation in my shins for the last few days. Im going to buy some new sneakers, but i was wondering if anyone else went through this.

I have only been truly pushing myself in the gym for the last month, october 18th to be exact. The pain went away for the most part and is now back since i increasd the workouts from 3 to 5 days a week.

If anyone has any suggestions i would really appreciate it. Im the type of fat that needs to do a ton of cardio and this is really keeping me from pushing on for a longer period of time.



  • AmberBarrios
    AmberBarrios Posts: 394 Member
    I had the same problem when I was jogging everyday. I am not sure why but it finally went away. Good Luck
  • It sounds like you might have shin splints ( Proper foot wear and ice will be a big help. I also like to soak in a hot Epsom salt bath when my muscles are really sore.
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    I did! Then I got new sneakers, and the problem went away...

    Good luck on your journey! :-)
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    It sounds to me like shin splints, I have had this issue before when I increased the number of days and distance I was running. You can also get this from a rapid increase in exercise (also possible that it is a combination of that and not stretching properly before and after.)

    You definitely need to listen to your body and may need to lighten the gym time a little for a while, if not stop altogether for a shirt time. I would google search shin splints and review the research and decide what you want to do. I was going to post a link but there is a lot of contradicting research out there. From personal experience I would say take a few days off and ease back into it. Look at it this way if you mess up you legs bad enough you won't be able to work out at all. * note I'm not a doctor and you may want to visit one for a professional opinion.

    Good luck!
  • donbogi
    donbogi Posts: 175
    It sounds to me like shin splints, I have had this issue before when I increased the number of days and distance I was running. You can also get this from a rapid increase in exercise (also possible that it is a combination of that and not stretching properly before and after.)

    You definitely need to listen to your body and may need to lighten the gym time a little for a while, if not stop altogether for a shirt time. I would google search shin splints and review the research and decide what you want to do. I was going to post a link but there is a lot of contradicting research out there. From personal experience I would say take a few days off and ease back into it. Look at it this way if you mess up you legs bad enough you won't be able to work out at all. * note I'm not a doctor and you may want to visit one for a professional opinion.

    Good luck!

    Becky - I have the same problem. I find it frustrating when my upper body wants to go over 60 minutes on the Treadmill, but my shins are burning where I have to stop around the 45 minute mark! I hope things are going well with you!

  • JakeNonne
    JakeNonne Posts: 74 Member
    I was getting shin splints too when I started running regularly. A buddy advised me to do some shin stretches before running and they went away immediately. Check out this video for three simple stretches:
  • I went through this too...I got new shoes and scaled back on what I was doing. Those fitness enthusiasts that I talked to told me that I was doing waaaaay too much. The shoes helped, but admittedly, I was overdoing it.
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