Does Hydroxycut make a difference?



  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    Well i guess I will try it for a month...
    All it will do is help! at least with energy if not fat burning.
    Will need that in college lol

    as long as it doesnt add fat to my body.... then its worth a shot

    If your pictures and profile show the truth then I'm afraid you are heading down a BAD path. Hate to go all mommy on you but I need to and would hope someone would to my daughter if she pulls this.

    1) The photos of you ARE NOT FAT - NOT FAT AT ALL. I've NEVER said this to anyone here and am only saying it because it worries me.

    2) You want to be a dietitian or nutritionist. What you are thinking of using isn't using nutrition.

    3) If you try it for a month and then go off you WILL gain what you lost back and probably more. This can (and usually does) start a cycle that could affect you for a long time.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    I'm taking OxyElite Pro. It is really strong, so I only take one in the morning, instead of the 3-per day dosage that they recommend. They don't give me energy, but they do supress my appetite hard core and it has helped me bust through a 3-week long plateau.

    I don't know if I would recommend it though, because it took a few days for me to get used to it. I have a horrible crash about 3 hours after taking it. Ehh...
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    Hydroxicut and other similiar products used to contain ephedrine. Once the ephedrine was taken out after it's use was made illegal in nutritional supplements hydroxicut became a really, really expensive energy pill.

    EC stack (ephedrine and caffiene) is the best, cheapest fat burner legally available, although you have to lie to get it (you have to sign a paper saying you will use the ephedrine, in the form of the product Bronkaid, as directed for dilating the bronchial tube.) If you want more info on it, the best site to go to is That website is considered the authority on the cubject currently.

    Will it make a difference in 4 weeks? Hell no it won't. I didn't use it to help me lose more weight. Rather, I used it to make dieting more tolerable, as part of its appeal is as an appetite supressant. It does also have a thermogenic affect, helping to keep your metabolism burning even while you go an a caloric deficit. It also give syou energy to help with the "down" feeling some get while dieting.

    It's not unreasonable for you to want to drop a few pounds, even though you are obviously already at a healthy weight. But there are two things that are extremely important, the first being self image. A diluted self image is what leads to most eating disorders. If you look in the mirror right now and see yourself as fat and gross, then you're heading down a really bad path. If you see yourself as a healthy young women who can lose a few lbs if and only if you really want to, then you're doing alright.

    The second thing is patience. 10 lbs in 4 weeks is unreasonable. It's an unrealistic expectation, and the desire to do something unhealthy to reach an unreasonable goal is also a bad trend to set. There's nothing wrong with wanting to look good for your signifigant other, as long as you remember that if he really loves you then what he wants is for you to be happy and healthy.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    1) The photos of you ARE NOT FAT - NOT FAT AT ALL. I've NEVER said this to anyone here and am only saying it because it worries me.

    I looked at the pictures after reading this...

    and 100% totally agree!!!!!!!!!

    Girl, in no way shape or form do you need to take anything at all to help you lose weight. Tons of people would use pictures like yours as their goal.

    I know that losing those last few pounds and toning up is a pain, but please don't ever think that you are fat!!!

    I personally want to lose that last little bit...11 pounds actually...but I would never think of myself as fat. That leads to too many other problems.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    Well i guess I will try it for a month...
    All it will do is help! at least with energy if not fat burning.
    Will need that in college lol

    as long as it doesnt add fat to my body.... then its worth a shot

    If your pictures and profile show the truth then I'm afraid you are heading down a BAD path. Hate to go all mommy on you but I need to and would hope someone would to my daughter if she pulls this.

    1) The photos of you ARE NOT FAT - NOT FAT AT ALL. I've NEVER said this to anyone here and am only saying it because it worries me.

    2) You want to be a dietitian or nutritionist. What you are thinking of using isn't using nutrition.

    3) If you try it for a month and then go off you WILL gain what you lost back and probably more. This can (and usually does) start a cycle that could affect you for a long time.

    There is no physiological reason to expect that she would put back on any weight lost while on one of these fat loss products. The only reason that would happen would be if losing the appetite supression would make her over-eat. If she's tracking her calories here, then I don't see why that would happen. The only other reason for gaining the weight back would be if there is a diuretic affect, causing dehydration, which would mean going off the product would lead to gaining water weight.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Hydroxicut and other similiar products used to contain ephedrine. Once the ephedrine was taken out after it's use was made illegal in nutritional supplements hydroxicut became a really, really expensive energy pill.

    EC stack (ephedrine and caffiene) is the best, cheapest fat burner legally available, although you have to lie to get it (you have to sign a paper saying you will use the ephedrine, in the form of the product Bronkaid, as directed for dilating the bronchial tube.) If you want more info on it, the best site to go to is That website is considered the authority on the cubject currently.

    Will it make a difference in 4 weeks? Hell no it won't. I didn't use it to help me lose more weight. Rather, I used it to make dieting more tolerable, as part of its appeal is as an appetite supressant. It does also have a thermogenic affect, helping to keep your metabolism burning even while you go an a caloric deficit. It also give syou energy to help with the "down" feeling some get while dieting.

    It's not unreasonable for you to want to drop a few pounds, even though you are obviously already at a healthy weight. But there are two things that are extremely important, the first being self image. A diluted self image is what leads to most eating disorders. If you look in the mirror right now and see yourself as fat and gross, then you're heading down a really bad path. If you see yourself as a healthy young women who can lose a few lbs if and only if you really want to, then you're doing alright.

    The second thing is patience. 10 lbs in 4 weeks is unreasonable. It's an unrealistic expectation, and the desire to do something unhealthy to reach an unreasonable goal is also a bad trend to set. There's nothing wrong with wanting to look good for your signifigant other, as long as you remember that if he really loves you then what he wants is for you to be happy and healthy.
    I agree with the EC stack. I use it myself without issue. But I take it responsibly and cycle off of it.
    I was curious about other comments and peeked at your gallery. Given your body size, and that weight will be more difficult to lose, 10 pounds seems very unrealistic for that short period of time.
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    Well i guess I will try it for a month...
    All it will do is help! at least with energy if not fat burning.
    Will need that in college lol

    as long as it doesnt add fat to my body.... then its worth a shot

    If your pictures and profile show the truth then I'm afraid you are heading down a BAD path. Hate to go all mommy on you but I need to and would hope someone would to my daughter if she pulls this.

    1) The photos of you ARE NOT FAT - NOT FAT AT ALL. I've NEVER said this to anyone here and am only saying it because it worries me.

    2) You want to be a dietitian or nutritionist. What you are thinking of using isn't using nutrition.

    3) If you try it for a month and then go off you WILL gain what you lost back and probably more. This can (and usually does) start a cycle that could affect you for a long time.

    There is no physiological reason to expect that she would put back on any weight lost while on one of these fat loss products. The only reason that would happen would be if losing the appetite supression would make her over-eat. If she's tracking her calories here, then I don't see why that would happen. The only other reason for gaining the weight back would be if there is a diuretic affect, causing dehydration, which would mean going off the product would lead to gaining water weight.

    Does it not affect your metabolism? artificially even? Will it not change back when she stops - even possibly slowing down the same way it does after using ephedra based diet pills?
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    Caffiene, Taurine, Ephedra and such don't have anything do to with the Metabolism.

    They make your heart race ..I.E Artificially elevated Heart Rate. That's why the side effects are so bad.

    If you actually take the time to look up each individual ingredient in the stuff, you'll find that most of it has no proven use what-so-ever while the caffiene content is equivalent to about 10 cups of coffee.

    That being said, as Caffiene is a natural called Weight loss comes due to frequent trips to the bathroom.

    This weight loss however is NOT fat loss. It would be Water weight that's directly associated with Lean mass...not fat.

    Furthermore, since Lean Mass is directly correlated to the metabolism, and lose of healthy lean weight results in a drop of the metabolism and an expected weight gain later down the road.

    There are no quick fixes or cheats to losing weight. It's a long-term path of lifestyle changes over time.

    Consider one in the world has ever gone to bed looking like an Olympian and woken up a biggest Loser contestant. So how can people expect the opposite to happen?
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Caffiene, Taurine, Ephedra and such don't have anything do to with the Metabolism.

    They make your heart race ..I.E Artificially elevated Heart Rate. That's why the side effects are so bad.

    If you actually take the time to look up each individual ingredient in the stuff, you'll find that most of it has no proven use what-so-ever while the caffiene content is equivalent to about 10 cups of coffee.

    That being said, as Caffiene is a natural called Weight loss comes due to frequent trips to the bathroom.

    This weight loss however is NOT fat loss. It would be Water weight that's directly associated with Lean mass...not fat.

    Furthermore, since Lean Mass is directly correlated to the metabolism, and lose of healthy lean weight results in a drop of the metabolism and an expected weight gain later down the road.

    There are no quick fixes or cheats to losing weight. It's a long-term path of lifestyle changes over time.

    Consider one in the world has ever gone to bed looking like an Olympian and woken up a biggest Loser contestant. So how can people expect the opposite to happen?
    A study performed by PA Daly, DR Krieger, AG Dulloo, JB Young, and L Landsberg (1993), ephedrine was combined with caffeine and aspirin. They used 24 obese individuals in a randomized double blind placebo-controlled study for an eight-week study followed by two other long-term studies. The purpose of this experiment was to determine the efficacy and safety of ECA. The first phase of the study included the administration of treatments three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. They measured weight, blood pressure and heart rate, and side effects at the end of week 1, 4, 6, and 8. The mean weight loss for ECA was significantly higher than the placebo group (P value of .003). There were no significant differences between ECA and placebo concerning blood pressure and heart rate. Side effects for the placebo group consisted of dry mouth (2), constipation (1), and jitteriness (1). The ECA group had complaints in each of these areas; 2, 2, and 3 respectively. In phase two of this study, nine patients were used and evaluated at the end of week 2, 4, 6, and 8. This study was performed five months later for another eight weeks; however, this time it was an un-blinded study. The mean weight loss of ECA was significantly greater, providing a P value of .09. Once again there was no significant difference between these groups with respect to blood pressure and heart rate. Side effects were only found in ECA consisting of dry mouth. This did not continue throughout the experiment. In the last phase, six of these subjects were used and evaluated every month ranging from 7 to 26 months. The increase in weight loss was significant statistically and clinically because the weight loss happened without the restriction of calorie intake. In conclusion of this experiment, the ECA group lost more weight than the placebo group. It was also concluded that ephedrine taken over an extended period of time was still safe and still provided weight loss.

    Just saying you might want to check your facts. I can find studies on caffeine if you like.
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    Caffiene, Taurine, Ephedra and such don't have anything do to with the Metabolism.

    They make your heart race ..I.E Artificially elevated Heart Rate. That's why the side effects are so bad.

    If you actually take the time to look up each individual ingredient in the stuff, you'll find that most of it has no proven use what-so-ever while the caffiene content is equivalent to about 10 cups of coffee.

    That being said, as Caffiene is a natural called Weight loss comes due to frequent trips to the bathroom.

    This weight loss however is NOT fat loss. It would be Water weight that's directly associated with Lean mass...not fat.

    Furthermore, since Lean Mass is directly correlated to the metabolism, and lose of healthy lean weight results in a drop of the metabolism and an expected weight gain later down the road.

    There are no quick fixes or cheats to losing weight. It's a long-term path of lifestyle changes over time.

    Consider one in the world has ever gone to bed looking like an Olympian and woken up a biggest Loser contestant. So how can people expect the opposite to happen?
    A study performed by PA Daly, DR Krieger, AG Dulloo, JB Young, and L Landsberg (1993), ephedrine was combined with caffeine and aspirin. They used 24 obese individuals in a randomized double blind placebo-controlled study for an eight-week study followed by two other long-term studies. The purpose of this experiment was to determine the efficacy and safety of ECA. The first phase of the study included the administration of treatments three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. They measured weight, blood pressure and heart rate, and side effects at the end of week 1, 4, 6, and 8. The mean weight loss for ECA was significantly higher than the placebo group (P value of .003). There were no significant differences between ECA and placebo concerning blood pressure and heart rate. Side effects for the placebo group consisted of dry mouth (2), constipation (1), and jitteriness (1). The ECA group had complaints in each of these areas; 2, 2, and 3 respectively. In phase two of this study, nine patients were used and evaluated at the end of week 2, 4, 6, and 8. This study was performed five months later for another eight weeks; however, this time it was an un-blinded study. The mean weight loss of ECA was significantly greater, providing a P value of .09. Once again there was no significant difference between these groups with respect to blood pressure and heart rate. Side effects were only found in ECA consisting of dry mouth. This did not continue throughout the experiment. In the last phase, six of these subjects were used and evaluated every month ranging from 7 to 26 months. The increase in weight loss was significant statistically and clinically because the weight loss happened without the restriction of calorie intake. In conclusion of this experiment, the ECA group lost more weight than the placebo group. It was also concluded that ephedrine taken over an extended period of time was still safe and still provided weight loss.

    Just saying you might want to check your facts. I can find studies on caffeine if you like.

    FYI: My facts come directly in reference from Dr Susan Kleiner who is one of the leading authorities on Sports Nutrition for Performance Athletes. Ref: "Power Eating - 2nd edition"

    That being said. 24 individuals in one study doen't necessarily speak for the majority of the Population. Which journal was this study published in? I was unable to find it on record in the National Library of Medicine - Pub Med which is a database of all published studies.

    That being said .."Weight" loss and "FAT" loss are not the same thing.

    Water weight lost through the use of diauretics and herbal supplements does not correlate to a reduction in body fat in any study. Water is a component of lean Mass. There's no water content in fat.
  • navs52
    navs52 Posts: 40
    It made me extremely jittery....I can usually put up with the jitters but it was too much...Not worth the money. Revitalabs FB+(get it on their site) is better. I don't take anything at this point tho exercise and eating right is the best medicine.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    She's already bought it, she's going to take it, and she doesn't care about any scientific data.
  • rogers8702
    rogers8702 Posts: 533 Member
    the best advice i was ever given on weight loss pills, IS IF IT REALLY WORKED IT WOULD HAVE TO BE PRESCRIBED!

    dont get me wrong i have tried a few and all they did was take money out of my wallet. a multi vitamin, exercise 3-5 days a week, and a healthy diet of 1200-1500 calories helped me to lose 60lbs last year.
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    the best advice i was ever given on weight loss pills, IS IF IT REALLY WORKED IT WOULD HAVE TO BE PRESCRIBED!

    dont get me wrong i have tried a few and all they did was take money out of my wallet. a multi vitamin, exercise 3-5 days a week, and a healthy diet of 1200-1500 calories helped me to lose 60lbs last year.

    I've often used that expression with clients in the past: " lose alot of weight because your wallet is that much lighter!"

    Excellent note!
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Caffiene, Taurine, Ephedra and such don't have anything do to with the Metabolism.

    They make your heart race ..I.E Artificially elevated Heart Rate. That's why the side effects are so bad.

    If you actually take the time to look up each individual ingredient in the stuff, you'll find that most of it has no proven use what-so-ever while the caffiene content is equivalent to about 10 cups of coffee.

    That being said, as Caffiene is a natural called Weight loss comes due to frequent trips to the bathroom.

    This weight loss however is NOT fat loss. It would be Water weight that's directly associated with Lean mass...not fat.

    Furthermore, since Lean Mass is directly correlated to the metabolism, and lose of healthy lean weight results in a drop of the metabolism and an expected weight gain later down the road.

    There are no quick fixes or cheats to losing weight. It's a long-term path of lifestyle changes over time.

    Consider one in the world has ever gone to bed looking like an Olympian and woken up a biggest Loser contestant. So how can people expect the opposite to happen?
    A study performed by PA Daly, DR Krieger, AG Dulloo, JB Young, and L Landsberg (1993), ephedrine was combined with caffeine and aspirin. They used 24 obese individuals in a randomized double blind placebo-controlled study for an eight-week study followed by two other long-term studies. The purpose of this experiment was to determine the efficacy and safety of ECA. The first phase of the study included the administration of treatments three times a day, 30 minutes before meals. They measured weight, blood pressure and heart rate, and side effects at the end of week 1, 4, 6, and 8. The mean weight loss for ECA was significantly higher than the placebo group (P value of .003). There were no significant differences between ECA and placebo concerning blood pressure and heart rate. Side effects for the placebo group consisted of dry mouth (2), constipation (1), and jitteriness (1). The ECA group had complaints in each of these areas; 2, 2, and 3 respectively. In phase two of this study, nine patients were used and evaluated at the end of week 2, 4, 6, and 8. This study was performed five months later for another eight weeks; however, this time it was an un-blinded study. The mean weight loss of ECA was significantly greater, providing a P value of .09. Once again there was no significant difference between these groups with respect to blood pressure and heart rate. Side effects were only found in ECA consisting of dry mouth. This did not continue throughout the experiment. In the last phase, six of these subjects were used and evaluated every month ranging from 7 to 26 months. The increase in weight loss was significant statistically and clinically because the weight loss happened without the restriction of calorie intake. In conclusion of this experiment, the ECA group lost more weight than the placebo group. It was also concluded that ephedrine taken over an extended period of time was still safe and still provided weight loss.

    Just saying you might want to check your facts. I can find studies on caffeine if you like.

    FYI: My facts come directly in reference from Dr Susan Kleiner who is one of the leading authorities on Sports Nutrition for Performance Athletes. Ref: "Power Eating - 2nd edition"

    That being said. 24 individuals in one study doen't necessarily speak for the majority of the Population. Which journal was this study published in? I was unable to find it on record in the National Library of Medicine - Pub Med which is a database of all published studies.

    That being said .."Weight" loss and "FAT" loss are not the same thing.

    Water weight lost through the use of diauretics and herbal supplements does not correlate to a reduction in body fat in any study. Water is a component of lean Mass. There's no water content in fat.
    How about the JAMA?

    Conclusions Ephedrine and ephedra promote modest short-term weight loss ({approx}0.9 kg/mo more than placebo) in clinical trials. There are no data regarding long-term weight loss, and evidence to support use of ephedra for athletic performance is insufficient. Use of ephedra or ephedrine and caffeine is associated with increased risk of psychiatric, autonomic, or gastrointestinal symptoms, and heart palpitations.

    Also RAND

    I prefer to read studies vs opinions.
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    Hello my Friend! Thanks for the references.

    I personally check my sources with the National Library of Medicine Pubnet Database.

    If you Look up ephedra you will find a couple thousand research papers, articles and references all of which offer different opinions and tests and results. Feel free to consider all of these professional "opinions".

    Regardless of all that, I was under the impression the question was about the effectiveness of Hydroxycut....a product which currently does not contain anything more than numerous caffiene derivaties.

    I am sure however that there will be many people on here who would love to debate and discuss the benefits of using questionable substances such as Ephedrine and more. To each his/her own.

    I can only speak for myself personally but I would not recommend such substances to any of my clients or athletes I'm working with by any means now would I use a 17 year old study (1993) as a basis for pushing such a product.

    Perhaps my professional ethics are too high, but I believe in you want the long term results you put in the work and make the appropriate lifestyle changes. There are no short cuts.

  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Hello my Friend! Thanks for the references.

    I personally check my sources with the National Library of Medicine Pubnet Database.

    If you Look up ephedra you will find a couple thousand research papers, articles and references all of which offer different opinions and tests and results. Feel free to consider all of these professional "opinions".

    Regardless of all that, I was under the impression the question was about the effectiveness of Hydroxycut....a product which currently does not contain anything more than numerous caffiene derivaties.

    I am sure however that there will be many people on here who would love to debate and discuss the benefits of using questionable substances such as Ephedrine and more. To each his/her own.

    I can only speak for myself personally but I would not recommend such substances to any of my clients or athletes I'm working with by any means now would I use a 17 year old study (1993) as a basis for pushing such a product.

    Perhaps my professional ethics are too high, but I believe in you want the long term results you put in the work and make the appropriate lifestyle changes. There are no short cuts.

    Let me clarify. Hydroxycut? No thanks (no offense to the creator of the question). Last time I read one of their labels, it didn't list the dosage of the ingredients. In those terms I have never been a fan of one size fits all.
    When it comes to supplements, I get the argument. Some want to take it and not change their eating/exercise habits, and they will fail and blame the product. I have changed my eating habits a work out religiously. Now if I can take somethings that gets me to my goal a little quicker, I'll take it.
  • bubblez_x3
    I took this about 6 months ago.. About a day or 2 my arms fell asleep. BOTH of them! I stopped taking it my arms were fine!
  • gcortez81
    i thought they took that off the market due to side effects. See your doctor about trying Phentamin. I'm hearing alot of good things about it, with very minimal side effects. Best of luck!
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    i agree with binary jester the ones with heart problems are the ones that are stupid and dont hydrate right or had pre existing conditions and fyi the fda is a joke