such a cliché

so it has finally happened to me...
i have just seen some pictures of myself from my sons sports day and i am in total shock.
i never imagined i was so big. i never deluded myself into thinking i was skinny, i know i am overweight, i just didnt realise i was THAT overweight.
for years i have been on diets backwards and forward, convincing myself one day it will click.
maybe this is my 'i saw a picture of myself and it shocked me' moment.
maybe this is where it comes together and i have finally reached my turning point.

so im 25, 17 stone and something has to change

its like my mind has said 'hey you're fat and not as small as you thought, idiot'

any support would be greatly appreciated....feeling a bit alone in all this xx


  • chyrece
    chyrece Posts: 12 Member
    Hey there ... I totally feel your pain. Photos can be such a rude awakening. The upside is that you are here, that we are all here for the same reason and can help each other on this journey. I signed up in 2011 and never used this site. A few years late, I just saw some photos of myself during a weekend away last month. shocking -- not sure how I let myself get this way. So I'm back on and hope this will help. slow and steady wins the race. I'll add you to my friends and we can get started together :)
  • tiggsnanny
    tiggsnanny Posts: 366 Member
    aww I hate looking at pics of me when I was bigger, we are all here to help you :smile: you will get lots of help and encouragement on this site xx good luck xx
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Here's another cliché for you: if I could lose weight, you can too!

    Learn to log everything you eat & drink accurately & honestly. Weight loss is not linear, so take "before" measurements. (Sounds like you already have your "before" photo!)

    Read the Sexypants post: