Body asymmetry

This thread came up when I did a google search:

I'm just wondering if you have noticed one side of your body being slightly larger than the other and if weight loss has helped even things out. (Especially the last bit of weight loss.)


  • lokepa
    lokepa Posts: 204 Member
    A couple of years ago, after hesitantly taking my first "before" pics, I noticed that I seemed to list to one side. Now, I don't know if it's the same thing... though it likely means that I was carrying more weight on one side, and compensating... It did even out a bit as I lost weight (and unfortunately came back as "found" what was once lost... at least some of it). I hope it'll square me up for good this time as I shed
  • jyogit
    jyogit Posts: 280 Member
    I've noticed my belly button isn't in the middle any more..hoping that when i eventually lose the extra weight I'm carrying it will go back central .. its definitely bigger on one side than the other many other things on our bodies.. lol
  • jbpretty
    jbpretty Posts: 221 Member
    Yeah. I do realize our bodies aren't perfectly symmetrical but I seriously think the left side of my body has more fat. I'm hoping as my BF% goes down maybe the fat will disappear or at least even out. It's my ribs, my hips and my stomach...well that's what I've noticed anyway.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I have asymmetrical breasts. Weight loss has helped even the girls out a lot.
  • jbpretty
    jbpretty Posts: 221 Member
    That makes me feel better. Thanks!
  • justcat206
    justcat206 Posts: 716 Member
    My right side looks a lot bigger than my left, but that's mostly to do with my scoliosis and the fact that my ribcage is deformed (and actually is thinner on one side). It does make me look "fatter" on one side though :/
  • MargaretSobers
    MargaretSobers Posts: 167 Member
    Body asymmetry means your one part of body is growing larger then the other and it is not perfect, it was research by scientist that it is a physical disorder of our body and usually happens due to situs inversus and it occurs in many people, it is srange condition that how one part our body is larger then the other.
  • jbpretty
    jbpretty Posts: 221 Member
    It is strange but like I said, I'm hoping with enough weight loss it will lessen.