restarting...need some work out friends

Well...I lost some weight last summer and seriously fell off the wagon and put most of it back on. I ended up with an unusual and crazy schedule that I used as an excuse to not do what I had to to continue with my weight loss.

I am 39 yrs old. I have 3 younger children who keep me very busy. I also work part time. My biggest obstacle is my husband. He is very unsupportive and does whatever he can do to see me fail than points it out that I am not doing what I need to.

Anyway thats me in a nut shell



  • Sparkitty
    Sparkitty Posts: 9 Member
    Friend request sent. I am trying to lose about 30 lbs. I'm just getting serious about it.

    We can cheer each other on!
  • KMiller880
    KMiller880 Posts: 21 Member
    Friend request sent. I am restarting again. My biggest issue is me. I tend to knock myself down and then continue to beat a dead horse. I'm trying to garner as much support as I can while I try to rewrite the damage done in my head. I had lost about 30-40 lbs but I have put it all back on.
  • robocats9
    robocats9 Posts: 8 Member
    Do it all for yourself and keep your eye on the prize. If your husband can't be supportive maybe he'll jump on board when he sees you keeping at it. Even if he doesn't, continuing working on yourself is always a good thing. Get yourself some supportive MFP friends-I'm sending a request after I post this :)

    I know I am my own worst obstacle. My husband is supportive, he encourages me to go to the gym or take walks or bike rides with him and our kids. I have my kids helping me in the kitchen, maybe this is something you can do also.

    Best of luck to you!
  • cvrepsold
    cvrepsold Posts: 48
    I'm sending a request as well. It's hard when you don't have the support, especially at home. Keep your chin up and stay positive. Take it one day at a time and you'll be pleasantly surprised as you start getting followed to your goals
  • Kasgal150
    Kasgal150 Posts: 11
    Sending you a friend request. I know what it is like to have people in your life who are not supportive. I'm trying to workout five days a week. We can keep each other focused :)