I don't seem to be getting stronger...



  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    OP - Don't give up!

    People come to C25K programs at different levels fitness. "Out of shape" can cover a very wide range. Also, people respond to training differently - some respond faster and more, and some respond slower and less. Great results don't necessarily mean someone worked harder, and lesser results don't necessarily mean that you are slacking off or have a "mental block" as some would suggest.

    During the first few weeks of a C25K program what your body does to adapt is to build thousands and thousands of new capillaries to deliver more oxygen to your muscles. Your heart is also being strengthened, so as to increase the volume of blood pumped with each stroke. Then there are all sorts of adaptions being made within your cells so that they can utilize energy more efficiently. All these changes take time to be completed and they just require more time for some folks.

    If your C25K works anything like mine did, you will feel like you do now for a few weeks and then all of a sudden you will notice that it seems to be getting easier. That will signal that your body has completed the changes needed to "allow" you to start running, but these changes won't happen if you stop asking your body to make them, i.e., stop trying.

    Have a good time with this, and be sure to post on the forums when you run your first 5K.
  • SeraBob
    SeraBob Posts: 10 Member
    Echoing the people who are pointing out that you might be going *faster* during the running segments than you might think. The suggestion to jog loads slower but don't walk until your designated walk break is a good one. Or you can get a watch and time yourself or use an app that logs your distance and pace. This will help show your progress too which will be encouraging when you think you've had a really bad session.

    It's a pretty normal error to go a bit faster, get knackered out and then think you've done really badly. I know I've done it LOADS! :wink:

    Running is mental, and sometimes you just need to have the confidence to push on through to the next level. I'd suggest trying not to repeat weeks from now on even if it feels really tough. You'll get so much more confidence from having completed a new session that you thought you couldn't than you'll take from repeating sessions.

    Good luck!
  • BlueFisherKing
    BlueFisherKing Posts: 28 Member
    Oh my gosh, you guys, I did it !!

    I was determined to do the 90 x 6 'week 2' regiment, so I took your advice.

    I added 40 grams of protein to my diet and didn't stretch before the run, scaled back my speed, and I kicked that weeks butt! My legs felt like they were machines!

    I think some of it was just fear - in a weird way I was afraid I just 'couldn't be one of those fit people', like I was an exception to a universal rule that if you train you grow stronger.
    I know doing the second week isn't much, but it really meant so much to me that I completed it, and I can't say how grateful I am to all of your advice! Thank you guys
  • Alethiia
    Alethiia Posts: 3 Member
    Well done!! It feels amazing huh!! :D