How does a busy Mom find time to work out???



  • msemejuru
    I work out early in the morning before my kids are up. When my husband worked mornings I would work out at night around 9pm when they were in bed. If I miss my workouts I try to fit in more activity in my day.
    I have a small step from step aerobics that I will climb up and down while helping my son with homework and watching tv.
    In a pinch I try to jump rope when my daughter takes a nap and I walk everyday to pick up my son.
    My toddler likes to kick a ball so I will let her kick and I will retrieve it and bring it back to her.
    I will carry my groceries with two hand baskets and have my daughter keep her hand on one while I shop.
    My daughter loves to sit on my back while I do push ups.
    I play soccer with my kids in the yard (or house) where I'm the goalie and it's too against one.
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    I just take my daughter with me to the gym in the mornings when I go she loves the p lay area my daughter is 4.