Been here a while but doing it properly this time!

Been on this site (via the app) for ages, lost almost a stone at one point but put most of it back on and am determined THIS time I'm going to do it properly! Currently a size 18-20 and aiming for a 12-14 by this time next year. Ordered a Fitbit One to monitor just how inactive I am and do something about it. Also planning smaller portions and less alcohol ... Wine and beer is the killer for me!

Anyway, would love to meet some similar people so we can motivate each other. Everyone tells me weight loss is harder after 40 (I'm 43) .... Want to prove them wrong!


  • robocats9
    robocats9 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey there. I am 44 and trying my hardest to get my weight off properly as well. I haven't been on MFP long but long enough to see there are plenty of people who are over 40 who have lost and kept weight off, I figure I have as good a shot as they do.

    I have a Fitbit one, I forget to wear it or charge it but it really is handy to see in real data just how much or how little exercise I get. I think you'll like it if that sort of thing motivates you. Good luck to you.
  • 7Adrian
    7Adrian Posts: 23
    I am 54 and have lost weight with this site and also 5:2 diet. Sadly I never stick to it and after about half a stone stop the diet. My plan is make plenty of friends on here to call me to account lol. Now looking at Fitbit, see what that is.
  • SuperJo1972
    SuperJo1972 Posts: 113 Member
    I'm 42, and have lost around 37lb so far (since October) with around 12lb to go. feel free to check out my profile and add if you like. :-) I also use a fitbit flex. ;-)
  • kappachino10
    kappachino10 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm a newbie, for this site anyway! (not to dieting) - Lets think of this as a fresh start :D
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    Im 48 and lost 15 kilo Last year, not only that I have kept it off for a year. Age is not an excuse, it is the reason you need to do this, because having the energy of a 21 year old and the Wisdom of a forty year old is pretty freakin awesome!