Ladies...I need some tips for losing weight during TOM..Plea



  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    I'm right there with you.....I have been keeping up with my water but the cravings OMG

    I just had a piece of carrot cake and I dont even normally eat cake....the hunger pangs are so hard during thing time...hopefully it will be over soon
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    I like the protein idea for TOM but if you're like me that's rough because it's exactly the time you're crazing carbs.

    I used to be on Anne Collins weight loss site and among her tips was one about your period, she said go ahead and PLAN to eat a bit extra some of these days. If you add a few hundred calories you will be able to treat yourself and satisfy cravings in a controlled way, and you won't gain weight, as opposed to trying to be "perfect" and ending up crabby and frustrated and bingeing on bad stuff and gaining. So that's what I do. For the first couple days I just accept these whill be maintanence days, eat a bit extra, drink lots of water and maintain until the worst passes.

    damn I saw this a lil too late :blushing:

    Will definitely be taking this advice
  • kanonxbou47
    kanonxbou47 Posts: 265 Member
    That sucks...I can't eat during my time of I get yelled at by my parents. :(

    If you're craving sweets, try making a smoothie, or some applesauce with cinnamon.
    It's okay to have something unhealthy, as long as it's in small portions.
    (actually, you'd be surprised by some things. a krispy kreme donut has less calories than a cup of chocolate milk.)
    Good luck!