Exercise leading to shakiness and headaches

Lola2248 Posts: 126 Member
I am feeling so frustrated at the moment.

I have a LOT of things going on that are stressing me out. One thing that I have found in the past is if I exercise enough to get a sweat on, I get bad headaches at best, at worst migraines.

Because I have these stresses I am trying to keep exercising by going for works - fresh air plus exercise = 2 birds 1 stone.

Yesterday I went for a walk in the park, its not a long walk by any means. But halfway there I started to get really shaky. I wasn't sweaty but lightly out of breath. I got into a shop and bought a bottle of water to see if it was dehydration. I carried on walking, and the shaking got worse. So i went into another shop and bought a snack bar. Once I had eaten that and rested for 10 minutes I had stopped shaking. I got home and had such a bad head I had to sleep.

Does anyone else get this? Or does anyone know what it is? I'm annoyed because I am trying to lose weight by cutting calories and exercising and it makes me feel worse by being shaky and headaches. I'm on 1330 calories, and this was a walk! A WALK!!! I used to run! Whats going on?

Any advice or help appreciated. x


  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Sounds like blood sugar to me.

    Have you been tested for diabetes?
  • becsnz1
    becsnz1 Posts: 85 Member
    Yep sounds like blood sugars are dropping too low. Don't get tested for diabetes coz that won't work. Get blood glucose tested for hypoglycemia.
    Are you eating before you exercise? Enough protein to keep you going and to keep blood glucose more steady rather than peaks and troughs if carb heavy? Just some thoughts for you to ponder :)
  • KinoM
    KinoM Posts: 359 Member
    It sounds an awful lot like a blood sugar crash (hypoglycemia) but it's hard to know without knowing your physical details & what you'd eaten before the walk & the day before, etc. The exercise headaches you get, do they only happen when you're dieting? If so your calories may be too low or you might need to adjust your macros. If it's a problem any time you exert yourself then you should speak with your doctor.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Yep sounds like blood sugars are dropping too low. Don't get tested for diabetes coz that won't work. Get blood glucose tested for hypoglycemia.
    Are you eating before you exercise? Enough protein to keep you going and to keep blood glucose more steady rather than peaks and troughs if carb heavy? Just some thoughts for you to ponder :)
    She knows more than me - listen to her :D
  • Lola2248
    Lola2248 Posts: 126 Member
    I had lunch... this was just a light walk before dinner. Not a full on exercise session. Thats what has thrown me.

    I admit I'm not brilliant at understanding the science behind what I should eat before exercise.

    To be honest, because my migraines are so bad I get scared about exercising too much because having migraines is just oo upseting. So I avoid exercise.
  • traceywoody
    traceywoody Posts: 233 Member
    Yep sounds like blood sugars are dropping too low. Don't get tested for diabetes coz that won't work. Get blood glucose tested for hypoglycemia.
    Are you eating before you exercise? Enough protein to keep you going and to keep blood glucose more steady rather than peaks and troughs if carb heavy? Just some thoughts for you to ponder :)

  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    I can feel dizzy in the pool when I start swimming, but it resolves if I stop take some deep breathes and slowly build up my lengths. I ensure I eat before, bananas are good, ensure well hydrated and eat as soon as I can after. Milne is usually temporary. I am wiped out after the gym though, and have needed a nap! Getting less and less, these dizzy and wobbly feelings as the weeks go on!
    If I were you, I'd go and see the nurse/ dr, get bloods done as a baseline and go from there. Perhaps lessen your exercise intensity and be guided when to stop by your body.:smile:
  • KinoM
    KinoM Posts: 359 Member
    Regular exercise should help to lessen the migraine effects overall, there's some decent advice here on migraine prevention http://www.livestrong.com/article/308135-how-to-prevent-an-exercise-induced-migraine/
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Could be Exertion Headaches, this is what I've been suffering from for about 4 months now, getting worse as time went on. I'm currently resting, apparently the menigiges in the brain get swollen and need rest to recover.

    My Dr is sending me for a MRI scan next week to ensure nothing serious is going on.

    Google "exertion headaches" for more information.

    I sympathise, I really do, it's made me feel so rubbish not being able to exercise, I can feel my body getting soft and all my hard earned gains diminishing.
  • MonicaJumper
    I definitely suggest going to your doctor to discuss this. Do you have a regular doctor? If not, get one. Tell him/her all about your problems, what you're doing, etc. If you can access MFP from your phone, bring it and show him/her your diary. In the meantime, try to eat at least a protein snack before you exercise, and take it easy :) good luck!