Weight loss goals!

I am currently interested in loosing an extra 10kgs (22 pounds) and I am struggling so badly. As of now I have already lost that much weight but I feel the extra would be great too.
At the moment I am 6ft and weight 66kgs (145 pounds).
I currently go to the gym 2- 3 times and week and I am trying to use a deficit (.25) on here but I feel im still not getting results.
I also want to start a sport as another form of exercise, are there any suggestions?

Does my goal seem unrealistic???

What kind of goals do other people have as well?


  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    You already have a BMI of 19 which is at the low end of normal losing another 22 would put your BMI under 17 which clinically counts as anorexic. You do not need to lose any more weight. If you want a look have a look at exercise such as resistance training that will enable you to achieve those goals you will though have to eat sufficient food to attain this.

    If though you are convinced you need to lose more weight I suggest you go and speak with your Doctor

    Good Luck
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    You're 6' tall and want to weigh 123 pounds? I don't think that's realistic, personally.

    You're already at a healthy weight. Maybe it's your body fat % you should look at and consider working on lowering that, not specifically lowering scale weight. Have you ever had your body fat% measured?
  • Chelseapretorius
    Chelseapretorius Posts: 24 Member
    See this is the biggest I have ever been, this year was my first year living out of home and I have gained a lot of weight and I personally do not feel healthy. I was always a very active person doing sport at least once a day, until moving out. I have quite a small frame also...
  • Chelseapretorius
    Chelseapretorius Posts: 24 Member
    Also no I have never had my body fat weighed
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Also no I have never had my body fat weighed

    Give this webpage a read. All you really need is a cheap measuring tape (they cost like $1). Now, you might not measure accurately, and that's ok. Just do your best. Then follow some of the great advice on MFP (like lifting weights and eating at a sensible deficit) and remeasure in a month. See if the numbers are going down.
  • Chelseapretorius
    Chelseapretorius Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you, whats the web page??
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Thank you, whats the web page??

    oops. Derp me. Paste didn't work! Here: http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2012/07/02/body-fat-percentage/
  • Chelseapretorius
    Chelseapretorius Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you that looks really good I am going to start reading it now! But I did a rough one online (not sure how true it would be) and it said I am 24% body fat...