I'm New Here

Hi, I'm georgiapeach46. I am day 4 with My Fitness Pal and it is already working! Counting calories has been exactly what I needed. I also plan to incorporate more exercise into my schedule this week. I have already lost 5 lbs in the first few days. I know those were the easy ones because they haven't been on my body as long as the rest! My initial goal is to reach 140 and then I will likely set a new weight loss goal once I reach that one. I am 5'2" and starting weight was 157. I am 68 y/o and of course, I live in Georgia! LOL :smile:


  • Changingmyfatitude
    Changingmyfatitude Posts: 97 Member
    Hi, I'm georgiapeach46. I am day 4 with My Fitness Pal and it is already working! Counting calories has been exactly what I needed. I also plan to incorporate more exercise into my schedule this week. I have already lost 5 lbs in the first few days. I know those were the easy ones because they haven't been on my body as long as the rest! My initial goal is to reach 140 and then I will likely set a new weight loss goal once I reach that one. I am 5'2" and starting weight was 157. I am 68 y/o and of course, I live in Georgia! LOL :smile:

    Welcome on board, I am also 5,2 and weigh 164 so hopefully we can motivate each other, best of luck on your journey.
  • sistersoe
    sistersoe Posts: 13 Member
    :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: I'm new here too. Glad to be here to read all the great success stories. I am pre-op and very excited to hopefully have something to help me lose this other person I'm carrying around daily. All the diets I bought into and never cheated were unsuccessful. I walked till I wore out my hips and developed heal spurs. .... after about 6 weeks never lost ahhh lb I gave up. I did Atkins, counted calories and joined WW's twice. On my second round of WW's well into 2 months of weighing in my slip every week the instructor whispered "some people with hormone issues may not respond and not lose"...well thank you Capt genius, I'd like my money back. I just want RESULT of limiting my caloric intake and exercise ( I have also researched through the Arthritis Foundation and found exercises for my painful joints to help me get started)
    My consult with the surgeon is Tuesday and I am biting my nails with fears have I satisfied the requirements of my crappy insurance, what is my cost after the insurance pays half.... I have researched and read more pages of blogs and posts than the book of "Gone with the Wind". My biggest fear is not staying hydrated. My job is fast past and multi tasking is a must. I am a social worker in family services, I have 33 cases and 58 children to visit usually in 12 days or less. I cannot function without my ADD med to help me focus and keep up with the paperwork sitting two days a week in front of the pc to enter data of the 10 minutes I get to spend with my kids. With that typed of med I do not have an appetite at all..(yes I could gnaw my arm off when I finally get home.) I have to set my phone alarm 20 min before leaving to go into the field as a reminder I have to wrap up whatever tasks and get out the door so I will only be a little bit late.....guess I can either set my phone to beep every 10 minute to take a sip of water or put one of those head things on my head that hold two cans on each side and with a straw in my face as a reminder. As far as eating I'm use to warm yogurt hanging out between my two computer screens and take a bite every now and again. Yesterday (Sun) my husband asked "what are we having for dinner today?" I replied, I'm going to start my liquid diet but I'll fix you dinner. Then I went to my PC to the file I created on the subject about liquid diet and read ......1. talk to your nutritionist, they will come up with a treatment plan . 2. diabetics should not be on liquid diets unless under the care of a physician as it will effect your blood sugar. 3. Liquid only may cause hair loss, loss of muscle tone.. dada dada dada. I strolled back into the dinning room and told my husband, no liquid diet today, I know I have to be patient..I have a life time to stay with the plan...I just want to get off all the meds, constant insulin shots, ailments and pain. I want to live. I want to feel healthy and wear every piece of clothing in all three closets before I have to donate or give away... Sorry for the long post, any suggestions welcomed.
  • jasonjulie4543
    jasonjulie4543 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi and welcome!! What surgery are you planning on having? I had the gastric sleeve on May 20, 2014, so I am about 9 weeks into it. I would be glad to answer any questions you have about the surgery and guidelines. I am so glad you are here.....I am so excited to be a part of your journey. The people here have been amazing for me and I hope you have great results.
  • sistersoe
    sistersoe Posts: 13 Member
    Holy moly, you have lost 55 lbs in 9 weeks? you go girl.. I am having the sleeve too. I am really nervous... How long did it take to get back to driving, working etc..my supervisor almost stroked when I told her I may be off 2 weeks, she rewarded me with 3 new cases LOL, whatever.... So tomorrow is my big day with the surgeon....deep breaths...
  • Good Morning, I guess this is your big day! Here's hoping & praying for all the best for you!

    One thing that can contribute to the lack of weight loss - Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it helps kickstart the metabolism. It's important not to skip meals (which probably means you need to slow down your life just a bit). Being a caseworker is a demanding job and if you go without food, it will only damage your body. Eat 3 meals a day and enjoy a couple of light snacks. That's what I love about this Fitness Pal. I can keep on track with 3 meals and a couple of snacks and lose weight! Win-Win!

    If you don't give your body fuel on a regular and consistent basis, it goes into starvation mode and hoards the calories you eat after you get home from work. We want a steady intake and burn of calories so the metabolism works for us instead of against us.

    I am 68 y/o and it is harder to lose now than it was 10 years ago, but so far, I'm doing okay. Planning to up my exercise this week in order to keep the calorie burn going.

    Let me know how things go for you today.

    Many Blessings
  • jasonjulie4543
    jasonjulie4543 Posts: 13 Member
    I am excited for your consult today, I know it will go great. I had my surgery on May 20, 2014 and drove myself home from the hospital on May 23. I went back to work on May 27. I have an office job and don't do any heavy lifting/straining etc., so my doctor said I could go back whenever I felt up to it. You may not need to stay in the hospital as long, but I had severe nausea after the surgery (which is normal for me, I don't tolerate anesthesia or pain medication AT ALL). I was on no pain medication after the initial surgery and I felt great within 4-5 days. And yes, I have lost 55 lbs in 9 weeks-WOW!! Like you, I had tried EVERY diet imaginable...WW, Atkins, Cabbage Soup, South Beach and on and on and on and on. YUCK!! I am SO happy to finally be watching the scale go down instead of up! Keep me posted on how things go today and let me know if you have any other questions......SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!