To-Go Lunch Ideas



  • AyaRowan
    AyaRowan Posts: 80 Member
    I second the bento idea, the one with the cute pictures. I do this when I have to take lunch with me and it's quite fun to make. You can make way simpler ones to save on time, they don't all have to be cutesy or complicated. Without a fridge, you'd just need to invest in a good insulated lunch bag or box.

    Here's a simple one I put together. It has rice, edamame, tomato, steamed broccoli, carrot, boiled egg...cucumber...turkey sausage. And frozen berries, which will have thawed by lunch time. Oh there's celery under the tomato.


    Bento are made to eat cold, no need to reheat as long as you make sure things are already safely cooked the first time around. People in Japan frequently take a homepacked lunch with them to school or work, and these lunches can be quite healthy at times. The base is often rice, you can use brown rice for a healthier option. Rice also freezes quite well so you can make up a batch on Sunday night for the whole week and freeze it in individual portions, then take one out. By the time lunch rolls around, they're usually ready to eat.

    For meats, low sodium turkey sausage or sliced chicken, cold leftovers from the night before, etc. Or go full on vegetarian with tons of veggies. Color coordinate your lunch, try to work as many different colored veggies and fruits in as you can. When I do this, tons of people tell me it looks amazing. And it usually tastes amazing too.

    There are tonssss of sites with bento ideas and recipes, or just make up your own.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    There are tons of plastic dishes out nowadays which come with a freezer pack specifically shaped for the dish. I have a small collection, but my favorite is a salad bowl. The middle portion goes in the freezer. You fill the bottom bowl with greens, put the middle portion on top and fill the compartments with whatever toppings you like, then put dressing in the little bowl in the middle. Put on the top and the salad stays nice and cold half a day, and with the separation of the ingredients, nothing gets soggy or wilted.


    I also have cereal bowls with frozen milk compartments, and several small hot/cold thermoses which are great for oatmeal, soups, stews, and stir fries. Some even come with their own utensils.
  • KM0692
    KM0692 Posts: 178 Member
    i've always just taken sandwiches to work, for years but 2 weeks ago i just had enough, they're so dull

    so i had an idea and it's working perfectly, Smothies

    i make my smoothie the night before, poor it into my insulated mug/flask/thing and then stick that straight in the freezer

    the next morning i get ready for work and then take my Smoothie out of the freezer, stick it in a sandwich bag (just incase the lid get loose) and it's off to work i go

    i leave it sat on my desk all day long, then when it comes to lunch time at 12:30, i take the lid off and find it's all perfectly defrosted but still nice a cold

    it's been an absolute god send, especially in this summer heat
  • pds06
    pds06 Posts: 299 Member
    Light style bread, 2 thin slices of lunch meat( mostly turkey) thin low fat cheese, tons of lettuce, tomato, hot peppers and a little mayo.