Suggestions for working out with injury

stresco Posts: 354 Member
I can use some suggestions for working out with at injury to my Psoas muscle in my left hip. This injury has been killing me for a year now. It was misdiagnosed as sciatica last August and as a result I have tried a bunch of useless treatments because of it. Every day I am in some level of pain in my left hip, hamstring, back and hipflexor. Some days it just an irritating reminder, while others I can barely move. I have seen my Ortho Surgion already and he want me to get another MRI with Contrast, but I am waiting for approval from my insurance company. Once we know how bad it really it, we can plan on the proper method to fix it, but until then I am in a holding pattern.

I am looking for exercises that I can do, that will keep me burning calories, without aggravating the injury. Does anybody have any suggestions?


  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I'd speak to your surgeon because you don't want to do something that could make it worse until you know how bad it is I wouldn't do anything without putting it past the surgeon first. At a basic level just keep moving and walking but the Doctor should be the first person to advise on this
  • bravid98
    bravid98 Posts: 80 Member
    This looks freaking awesome! So want to try it...
