Hello gluten free peeps

Hello Everyone!
My name is Klanci. I have been on MFP now for awhile. I am re-introducing myself because I have struggled for the last month or so with not sticking to my very strict gluten free diet. I acknowledge that my body does not know how to deal with gluten, but sometimes I miss the food I was raised on or exposed too. Today, I am looking for friends and support people that are like minded with me. People who know they need to eat a specific way but are real enough to admit when they fall off the band wagon. If this is you please hit me up. Thank you!


  • Ashley10268
    Ashley10268 Posts: 18 Member
    Although I'm already your "friend" on MFP, I can totally relate!! It is probably the hardest thing in the world to be gluten-free. It won't kill me to eat it, but I don't agree with it either and I'll suffer for it (like I am today after eating a few of my fiance's fries when out to eat yesterday, lol). Sometimes you just want a freaking slice of pizza or a real cheeseburger!! I feel like I struggle every day to eat gluten-free but I'm slowly getting used to putting down offers of the bread when out to dinner or dessert or whatever is offered my way. And it's not easy. If you ever need any support, I'm here for ya! :) Sometimes I think of all of the stuff I would eat if I wasn't gluten-free...there would be a lot more calories to add up most days!