Umbilical Hernia/Distasis Recti?

MzOnree Posts: 124 Member
RE: Umbilical Hernia/Distasis Recti?

Has anyone every had this and if so what exercises did you do to heal the hernia?

I've been told by several different physicians that I have a hernia. Each physician calls it by a different name. Even though it protrudes out above my bellybutton, and can be sore or uncomfortable at times; none of the physicians have ever mentioned surgery or seem to be alarmed by the hernia.

After doing my own research on the internet I have ordered an abdominal support binder. I've come across information about exercise for this condition. I'm unable to do any strength training until this hernia is fixed/healed. Strength training would only aggravate the hernia and make it worse according to the information I read.

Any suggestions would be welcome. Thank you!


  • TT64
    TT64 Posts: 115 Member
    Hi my fab friend! I actually had an umbilical hernia repair 2 yrs ago. Diastasis Recti is something is when the ab muscles seperates into right and left halves. I ignore my hernia discomfort for quite sometime.........but then at times, the pain became so unbearable, I could not stand upright. I knew then it was time to have it taken care of. I did not have the bulge of a hernia.......but the CT scan showed it clearly. It was a fairly easy surgery......about 2 post surgery days of some discomfort from the incision...but it healed fine and thank God........that horrible pain is gone too. The problem with hernia's left untreated is that they can become strangulated.......that is both dangerous and very painful. I do not know about the binders, but if your Dr's feel surgery is not needed at this time and you are NOT in a lot of pain, then the binder is worth a try. I still do not do too much strength training, because I am fearful of the hernia breaking out through the mesh. Not really likely, but I don't ever want that pain again.

    Good luck girlfriend..........keep me posted on how it goes!
