I realized I never introduced myself

Hi! I've been on this site for a couple months now, but I realized I forgot to introduce myself. I'm 19 and a rising sophomore in college. I have about 25 pounds to lose, and I've only lost a couple so far.

A bit about me, health-wise. I'm pescatarian, though I don't eat fish all that often, so mostly vegetarian. I try to exercise every day, but that'll be harder once the summer's over. I like yoga and Zumba, and I've ignored strength training thus far.

As far as other interests, I'm really into reading and writing. I'm also a huge baseball fan and I enjoy crafts, such as sewing and knitting. I'm also pre-med, God help me.

I'm seeking friends for encouragement and ideas for diet and exercise. I really want to lose this weight! Thanks, y'all!


  • brimichaud
    brimichaud Posts: 22
    HI! I'm only a year older than you and about to be a junior in college. We have similar interests so I'll send you a FR. Goodluck!
  • rahh75
    rahh75 Posts: 2 Member
    Good afternoon everyone.

    My name is Rah and I am sort of new to this site. I have just recently decided to get into shape and I am trying to lose about 100 pounds. I have started walking on the track in my neighborhood. Wish me luck. I would love to have new friends to motivate me.
  • agolden20
    agolden20 Posts: 1
    My name is Angel and I am a mother of 3. I am trying to lose atleast 50 punds and also would like to have some friends for motiviation as this is my 100th time starting since having my son 8 months ago.