Need a better plan when i go to the gym

I end up getting bored on the treadmill after 30 minutes (too hot in TX to run outside unless it's early in the am) and then do a few different weight lifting machines before i head home. Does anyone have a favorite cardio & weights gym routine they would like to share?


  • Booda101
    Booda101 Posts: 161 Member
    Try adding free weights to your lifting.

    Adjust speed/incline on the treadmill instead of going at one speed.

    I do more Spin for my cardio than the treadmill. But when I do get on the treadmill, I like to use a Couch to 5K app. This forces me to change speed intervals so I kinda use it for sprints.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    starting strength
    strong lifts
    strong curves
    new rules of lifting

    or try a HIIT style work out from fitness blender- or bodyrock/zuzka light or
  • Upstate_Dunadan
    Upstate_Dunadan Posts: 435 Member
    I guess it would depend what you're trying to accomplish. Without knowing that, generally I'd say skip the cardio and focus on weight training, using free weights as much as possible. Increasing muscle mass will help you look toned, and you'll continue to burn calories after your workout since your body needs to burn calories to repair/build and then maintain that muscle.

    If you want cardio benefits as well, keep your rest periods short. Except for when I squat, I rest 1 minutes between sets and move right to the next exercise. For an added boost to heart rate, I super-set one exercise a workout with jump rope. The way it works is you pick something you can do 20 reps of (lighter than you normally would use) and then go right from that to jumping rope. Start with as many as you can do in a set amount of time (i.e. 30 second, 1 minute, 90 seconds, etc.). After jumping rope, go right back to the exercise. I do 4 sets normally, but you also can start with less and work-up #sets and #seconds. By the end of the super-set I guarantee you'll be sweating and your heart rate will be up there. Keep a fast pace and you can turn your weight training into an hour long (or however long you make it) cardio session.

    I'm currently doing this 4 days a week (2 days for upper body/push exercises and 2 days for lower body and pull exercises. Because I feel guilt not doing anything on the other days, 2 days a week I just do elliptical training (low intensity aerobic workout with heart rate in 60-70% range just to work on conditioning.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    I don't know what kind of phone you have, but there are a ton of workout apps that make machine workouts more fun (like ones where it make your screen look like you're running through France). I keep away the boredom by watching shows. Netflix now has TED talks, which are fascinating.

    Stronglifts 5X5 is a very structured lifting program that can help guide your lifting. There are lots of other great programs, that's just the one I've done.
  • Nightfall7
    Nightfall7 Posts: 8 Member
    Swimming laps is great cardio on hot days. I like to bicycle and hike for my cardio too.