Battling boredom and discipline

Long story short, I give myself cheat days on the weekend. During the week, I have a set routine of going to the gym, work and taking care of business. I've had the last three weeks off from work (and I am NOT complaining) but it has been challenging not giving into cheat days during the week. My weight has not gone up and I will have plenty of time to work off any additional calories when I go back to my normal routine but I wonder if this is more of not being disciplined. Most of my weight failures have are due to keeping unrealistic routines (working out too much and restrictive eating) and not eating healthy enough. I don't know if this is a time when I need to say "f--- it" or say "stop being so weak." Anyone deal with that?


  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I won't be any help to you, but I definitely get what you're going through!

    I can be just about perfect Monday - Friday because I have my routine. Work has set breaks, then I go to the gym in the evening. I suck at weekends. I always tell myself I'll be better, but then I just want junk food. And my schedule is off so I don't eat right, and then there's alcohol thrown in there... :grumble:

    I have yet to find a way to "fix" myself in this regard. I know it's a mind set thing, I think it has to come down to me not really wanting it bad enough at this point. I always tell myself "one more bad day, then I'll be good tomorrow", well, tomorrow never gets here!
  • sunnyogachick
    hmmm I feel as though when I have time off from work that is when I workout at the gym the most! And spend more time in the kitchen cooking healthy meals.

    But everything is finding your own balance. I began making small changes in my diet and gradually got to where I am today. I don't crave things like I used to and hardly eat out (being vegan makes it hard to eat out anyway). I think with time you will appreciate the healthier choices and WANT to avoid the ones that you know aren't as good for you. Perhaps finding healthy snack options will help you so that while you're at home you can munch on something if you need to instead of unhealthy foods.

    MY BIGGEST ADVICE has to be to not even buy unhealthy groceries. When I moved out and started to buy my own food I saw a hugeeee difference. If it's not around, you have no choice but to eat what you have in the fridge. No more late night snacking. and if I did, it'd be vegetables. Hope some of this helps :)
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,717 Member
    I have more time on the weekends, so do really big cardio workouts to earn extra cals for social events that involve eating and drinking.