"Junk" Food - Abstinence or Moderation?

What has been your approach and why? I chose to abstain when I started my weight loss journey due to what I thought was disordered eating triggered by certain junk foods (i.e. chips and candy). I was very "good" at restricting myself and abstaining completely from that stuff for a long time until about two weeks ago in which I've been binging almost non-stop.

I realized after much self-reflection that the restriction led to obsession. I "couldn't" eat those junk foods so I started to binge on healthful foods. It was scary to accept that "out of sight, out of mind" didn't work for me. "Out of sight" only made it more ingrained in my thoughts, actually.

I'm now thinking of working in "forbidden" foods to see how it could improve my broken relationship with eating. I actually bought some ice cream and it scares me that I also have the strong desire to eat the entire tub in one sitting (the desire that has always been with me). Counting calories and white knuckling self-control has gotten me pretty far in my journey towards health but I've been neglecting the emotional strings that are keeping me tied.


  • fleaofdeath
    fleaofdeath Posts: 6 Member
    I was thinking about this earlier on my way home from class and a workout while sipping a smoothie. I've definitely gone with moderation. My philosophy is that this should be a lifestyle change. I think it's better to work the food in moderately now so that you don't binge. (Also as a broke college student, moderation has quickly become a lifestyle =P ) And hey, if eating a tub of ice cream in one sitting help you refocus yourself, try not to ignore it too much. The more you ignore your cravings, the stronger they get =P (not that I recommend eating the whole thing at once...that might just make you sick ;) )
  • Icandoityayme
    Icandoityayme Posts: 312 Member
    I feel that abstaining, for me anyway, doesn't work. Moderation is the better way to go. That way, you are not depriving yourself of the things you love. When you cut those things out, it makes you resent what you are doing because "you can't have that". It's a higher likelihood of quitting what you are trying to accomplish. Learning when to stop on those foods, not letting yourself go over your calorie intake, it the important part.
  • GuineaPiglet
    GuineaPiglet Posts: 35 Member
    moderation for SURE! Though I try my best to avoid trigger foods devoid of any nutritional value like chips. I'll still have them once a month or so.....but I buy a single serve bag. Otherwise it would end badly. :) In a perfect world I'd be eating nothing but grilled chicken breast atop a leafy green bed of salad, but neither the world nor myself are perfect. I find that I'm a lot pickier about the junk I eat now though.
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    When is abstinence ever a good thing...or effective...or desired lol.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    When I try to cut it all out, I start to feel deprived and tend to want to binge. With that said, for me, this is a slippery slope. One day of "freedom" will turn into 2, into 3, into a week, into screw this I will start again later. So my off days have to be that only, a day (a meal with dessert works good for me too). I do this about once a month. I just dont log that item or items I have for that day. I make up for it with my deficit for the rest of the week anyway, so it works out.
  • Chain_Ring
    Chain_Ring Posts: 753 Member
    Dude, you gotta do what works for you................
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    Moderation. Sometimes it takes a lot of discipline because it's easy to inadvertently (or blatantly) overindulge, but I find that abstinence is worse. Long term denial can breed inner resentment and lead to serious binge when you finally allow yourself a tiny slice/piece of whatever forbidden fruit is on your list.

    I find it best to limit, not deny. I can cut out (meaning temporarily limit) some things ie ice cream/candy/cookies if I at least have a bit of something...chips, popcorn etc. Then later swap them out with whatever I didn't have before. Keeps the variety going. I will never deny myself.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Moderation. I have a chocolate peanut butter sundae every Sunday at DQ. I usually have ice cream one other day of the week but at someplace other than home. Plus, when I am slightly low on calories, I top off my day with chocolate covered almonds (usually 10 or fewer.)

    I don't keep ice cream in the house on a regular basis because I tend to just EAT IT ALL but by letting myself have it at appointed times, I don't feel like I am restricting myself too much. I love chocolate and chocolate/pb and chocolate/almonds too much to make myself miserable by giving them up. And I refuse to play the "have fruit as dessert" game because when it comes to dessert, if it's not chocolate, why eat it?
  • 1911JR
    1911JR Posts: 276
    My advise is always the same. BABY steps.

    People fail because they try and do too much at once. Complete or huge life changes are hard and really never work. So just go at it slow and learn to enjoy yourself.

    A buddy of mine who ate lunch at McDonalds daily and super sized it. Usually got and extra burger also. SO when he stopped getting that extra burger, and not going super size. And drinking DIET vs regular. I see that as a huge win. And good for him. He traded those calories for some fruit and oat meal in the morning for breakfast.

    Of course I hope the day comes when he stops going there all together, but its better, and its an improvement, and he has lost 25 pounds.

    So take baby steps my friend, than maybe you will be able to learn what works for you, and also enjoy yourself.
  • Geloza
    Geloza Posts: 315 Member
    I had a HUGE sweet tooth and had to cut it out all together. I eat lots of fruit and greek yogurt instead and that works for me!
  • twyliatepeka
    twyliatepeka Posts: 28 Member
    moderation for me. I will pig out if I get in a bad mood otherwise. I have tried to just cut it out but I just end up failing when I do.
  • Walter__
    Walter__ Posts: 518 Member
    My approach is moderation.

    Being too restrictive on a diet leads to quitting it, going on a binge, then reverting back to old habits. You usually up heavier than when you started too.
  • catherinet89
    catherinet89 Posts: 60 Member
    Moderation... absolutely.
    If youre anything like me you are a comfort eater or a bored eater or a i know theres cookies eater lol. Youll know that unless you cheat now and again youll crack and binge. Now for me atleast if i had a couple candies or a slice of pizza once or twice a month id be fine. Just have to do that extra bit of cardio the next day!
  • happysquidmuffin
    happysquidmuffin Posts: 651 Member
    Moderation works for me. If I feel like I'm about to go out of control and just have to eat a certain something, I allow myself to indulge - on the stipulation that I stop right there. If I'm still feeling hungry after eating what I wanted, I will let myself keep eating but I try to make it the less "destructive" choices - like a tbs of peanut butter, a controlled portion of cheese, and maybe some fruit. Not ten oreos and 4 servings of ice cream. I try to tell myself, OK is this going to make you feel nauseous and guilty after eating it? Do I need calories because I'm hungry, or am I trying to avoid doing something else?
  • PapaChanoli
    PapaChanoli Posts: 178 Member
    I couldn't do it without moderation. I'm finding that periodically letting myself eat what I want makes it easier to toe the line the rest of the time. For me, the alternative is labeled "Here be dragons." In other words, I'll be horrible to deal with and I will ultimately give in to the seemingly more pleasurable alternative.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Moderation. I'd drown myself if being fit meant I'd never see another plate of cheese fries or an apple fritter again. :sad:
  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    For me-moderation. I'd snap if I couldn't get in a sweet here and again. And honestly, if I stick to true moderation, I'm less likely to have intense cravings and I've found it much easier to now just have ONE of a sweet rather than say, the whole bag.
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    Im all about moderation. I don't cut stuff out, I fit it in.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    moderation for me.