Aloha sunshine people!

Hey there!

Just thought I'd wander over here and say good evening (or afternoon, morning - wherever you are!)

My name's Junko! I'm from the UK and I'm getting hitched to my lovely (better) half in 2016 sometime - hence why I want to lose a little weight! (I know it shouldn't matter, but my bridesmaids to be are all, like, ridiculously skinny so you can understand why!) They've given me 1400 calories to play around with on here, plus I'm experimenting a little and trying to (mostly) avoid foods containing both high amounts of sugar and fat (so for example, a Mars bar;High in fat and carbs). I'm not so bothered if a food is high in only fat or sugar - for example, bread is high is carbs, low on fat - so that's fine. I was inspired to experiment with this from a Horizons program I saw a while back.

Anyway, if you're interested in being pals, feel free to message me!

Ciao! - Junko