For those who lost weight and gained it back



  • Jax424
    Jax424 Posts: 1
    I had lost about 25 lbs to the point where I was happy with my results, but then I got comfortable/stopped exercising over the winter months, graduated from school, started stress eating more and more and now I'm almost back to where I started :-/

    It's frustrating to feel like I'm starting the process over again, but now I have more confidence in being able to get healthy again since I've been able to do it before!
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Stress due to working 60-70 hour weeks because your work teammates aren't contributing, being extremely short-handed at work, trying to play mediator between my manager and the rest of the team, my grandma dying, a close co-worker dying, going onto year six of not being able to get pregnant, and having the ob/gyn want me to wait yet another 6 months before we try any medications, having zero help around the house due to the husband also working 16 hour days at his job.

    I stopped caring for a couple of years, but I'm back on track now.
  • arussell134
    arussell134 Posts: 463 Member
    This is such a GREAT question and one I've been pondering quite a bit because I'm tired of the yo-yoing and don't want to do it again!!

    I think the answer for me is similar to others here - I made excuses and let old bad habits creep in. I think what happens for me is I lose the weight and go, "yeah! I did it!" and feel like I can afford to take a break. I'm also ashamed to admit I've done some crash diets before, which I think contributes to my failure rate.

    This time around, I'm trying to focus more on creating good habits instead of just losing weight. I am hoping that by seeing this as a long term lifestyle change instead of a quick fix, I'll have more success. I'm also asking myself NOW what I intend to do once I reach my weight goal - how am I going to keep it off?
  • Jozie236
    Jozie236 Posts: 47 Member
    I've done this so many times and am always disappointed in myself for letting it get so far. The reasons?

    1. Watching food intake is hard and sometimes I get lax out of fatigue. Then I'm left with a taste for everything that helps keep me heavy. And I INDULGE. It's gross and self destructive. I don't know why I do this to myself sometimes.

    2. Boyfriends : D I get comfy, eat out, have drinks, and loose focus on me b/c I'm so wrapped up in us. I feel like I wake up one day "heavy" again. And then realize what I did and start keeping track again.

    3. Financial problems get in the way of my efforts. I have a fast paced life (long commute, sometimes long hours). So I might rely on food from outside the home. I can keep things in perspective when I have enough money to always choose the salad or veggies. It's when I am also trying to cut costs and turn to the pizza or options for $5.00 or less that things slide downhill.

    4. Less exercise: In the past, I'd loose weight by exercising very hard (hours at a time) and watching my diet. I have joint and back issues so I'll inevitably injure myself and then I don't adjust my diet enough so the weight creeps up. I don't do this anymore (the heavy exercising) b/c I don't think it was a healthy habit, so I don't think this will be a future issue. But it's been a major contributor to regaining in my late twenties and early thirties.
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    My hypothyroidism go worse, ended up with serious goiter, and being diagnosed with thyroid tumors, along with being in a "food desert" with limited choices and being homeless (staying in a cheap hotel room with no kitchenette or anything)
  • kjstaley70
    kjstaley70 Posts: 15 Member
    Job got bad, continued to work out but just kept eating more and more. Didn't stick to gluten free/ processed sugar free so it just piled back on. Thankfully not back to where I was when I started in 2009 but still its harder to drop the older I get. I just keep getting back on track and pushing forward best I can. :-)
  • NorseMaiden
    NorseMaiden Posts: 95 Member
    Two years ago I lost 54 pounds and was 16 pounds from goal. Then family crisis after crisis happened and I said screw it. Pizza makes me feel better and what goes with Pizza?? That's right!! Unlimited quarts of Double Chocolate Chip Fudge Swirl ice cream! I did it all to myself. Now I'm back on track with only the weight I originally lost plus the 16 pounds to goal PLUS 10 extra pounds for good measure! Go Team!!
  • nykismile
    nykismile Posts: 198
    My house burning down was the starting point. Lost all of my possessions, and my two cats. I remember being in the hotel room my insurance company provided, shoveling down junk food until I couldn't feel feelings anymore. The week after my house fire was just one week-long no-holding-back binge.

    Lost a few family members along the way, a bad relationship, depression and being on crummy antidepressants. Granted, I didn't gain all the 50 lbs I lost back, but I did gain 10-15 of it back.

    Lately, some upsetting events have been occurring but this time I'm trying to self-medicate in a safer way rather than stuffing my sad face.
  • Cinflo58
    Cinflo58 Posts: 326 Member
    sorry about your dog! it is boring walking alone
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    I've lost and gained a few times.

    1. I stopped weighing myself after getting to goal (more important to weight AFTER goal then getting to goal..because it can be discouraging)

    2. Always lost on the six week body makeover diet… (a very healthy but unrealistic way of eating for a lifetime). So when I returned to regular eating I'd gain back partially for that reason.

    This time… I feel I will succeed by doing the following..

    eating healthy delicious food within my calorie goal…(love so I don't feel deprived and go off the deep end when I get to goal.

    I will weigh myself every day after I'm at goal and not kid myself..
  • sharonavis14
    sharonavis14 Posts: 11 Member
    My "normal" eating is to eat everything, all the time, in large amounts. I can't go back to "normal" any more because I just eat, eat, eat. I've yo-yoed all of my life. No excuses, just love food and seem to have a "need" to eat to fill some bottomless pit. I know I'm not the only one.
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    Here's a "different" before/after.

    my before pic, I had lost my baby weight and decided to do a bikini competition. A few months later...

    sure, the 2nd pic isn't all that big but..compared to the first one.. I was bummed.

    I know now what made me gain.

    Restrictive clean eating and working out for aesthetics without a goal beyond aesthetics once I hit my goal weight, and quite frankly I burnt the heck out. I live, I learn. I now concentrate on different goals, my goal now is performance in powerlifting and kettlebell sport competitions.

    Now I am back to what I look like in my profile pic, leaner than my 2nd pic, but bigger than my bikini competition photo..and am fine with it. I feel good. I just train to get stronger and better in my lifts now. I no longer stress about clean eating. If I would mess up , I would feel like giving up the rest of the day. Now I forgive myself much more easily.
  • Ideabaker
    Ideabaker Posts: 518 Member
    Not watching what I gets me every time!

    Totally this for me. If I don't track what goes into my mouth (even in maintenance), I start letting little "cheats" slide, and soon little cheats become bigger and longer ones... the next thing I know, the pounds start creeping on again.

    I plan on logging-- for my own awareness-- for life!
  • SierreM
    SierreM Posts: 2
    Stress>no exercise>unhealthy food>laziness
  • Veggie_mama
    Veggie_mama Posts: 77 Member
    In my case, over the span of 4 years, I lost around 175 lbs. through diet and exercise. (Starting weight 335+, down to 149 lbs at my smallest.)
    After losing the weight, I divorced my husband. Got out there, dated again and met my current husband. I changed jobs twice, so I would eat more from stress. I lost 3 dear family members, more stress. I had 2 pregnancies back to back (my first child was stillborn) and hence, more stress and more eating.
    I stopped working out, went through a rough pregnancy and just gave up on myself.
    I'm now back on the boat and trying to get it back. So, gained weight, back up to 239 back in early January and down to 206.5 now in mid-July.
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    Lost. 50 lbs. I stopped logging , thought I knew what I was doing. Once I stopped keeping track I stopped being accountable , eventually I stopped jogging as often , didn't seem to gain weight so I started eating junk. Eventually I was falling I it old habits and I gained it all back.

    Thankfully I kept up with weight training so I had a more sold frame but I was still overweight.

    So don't stop logging!!!

    I'm now down 40 again and hope I can keep the discipline to stay this way
  • cHaRlIe0411
    cHaRlIe0411 Posts: 137 Member
    For me it was the food. I have a lot of trouble controlling what I eat if I don't account for it, so a year ago, when I stopped counting my calories, I began eating much more than I used to. It made me gain a good 25 pounds... It's easier to start over this time around, though, because I know I did it once, so I can do it again!
  • gretlarson
    gretlarson Posts: 52 Member
    Twice in my life I have lost over 100 pounds and I have gained it back. Every time I have lost weight I have diligently tracked my calories (it used to be in a spiral notebook) and exercised. When I gained it back I quit doing that. I got comfortable and it came back very easily. The second time I used my pregnancy as an excuse but I ended up gaining way more than the recommended 25 pounds. Then after I had my son I kept putting it on. I know for me that I really need to keep an eye on it all of the time. I don't feel that I could do a cheat day and be able to recover from it the next day. I know I'm not at a point to be able to do that yet. I'm on my third try with losing weight and I know for my health I need to be successful. Hopefully I can stick with it.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    14 years ago I lost 70 lbs but I did it the wrong way. I ate VLCD and exercised 10 times a week. This was way before I found MFP. I got burnt out and after awhile I hated that I couldn't eat food I wanted to eat. So I quit. Everything. I quit eating right. I quit exercising. I told myself I was happier eating foods I like instead of being skinny and hardly eating anything.

    I didn't gain it all back but I gained a major portion of it.

    Then I found MFP and I learned the right way to lose weight and I've maintained for two years now. Way longer than I maintained the first time so I think this one is going to stick :happy:
  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    I lost 60+ lbs just before graduating from college through calorie restriction and excessive exercise. It was not a sustainable thing.

    There are a few reasons, besides this that I consider my "excuses" though they aren't at all. Ultimately, what made me gain it back, was me. I gave up when life got tough.

    -Graduated, had to get a job at a bakery because no one would hire me without experience in my degree field.
    -Free food at that bakery, and so many cookies.
    -Grandfather was killed in a fireworks accident, spent 3 weeks in the ICU eating fast food in addition to the stress.
    -Moved across the country to a region with excellent food (Southwest) and enjoyed myself with too much booze, too many gut-busting meals, and not enough exercise.
    -A dissolution of my 4 year relationship, depression, having to move back and basically be unemployed/homeless for a year. I was on food stamps for the first time in my life, and cheap calories are bad calories.

    These things, especially the interruptions in my routine, had me gaining back every single pound I lost, and an additional 20 more over the course of 4 years. In April of 2013 I was the heaviest I"d ever been, a stone's throw away from 300 lbs.

    Currently, I'm down 35 lbs in a matter of months, and am doing it in a sustainable way.

    The secret to maintenance, is never giving up.