Weighing yourself

I am just curious how often people weigh themselves.. I have been so obsessed with weighing myself the past couple of months... I would do it about the same time every morning naked... eventually I would notice my weight fluctuating 2-4 pounds either way... and get so frustrated when it would go positive so I decided to stop weighing myself.... initially the plan was not to do it until my vacation in October... well it lasted for about two weeks :P I was feeling so good about myself and thought that after giving up the things I enjoy most (chocolate, cake, pie, candy etc ) for the past 2 weeks and calorie counting for the past week that I decided to go ahead and weigh myself to see my wonderful progress.... boy was I wrong! I gained 7 labs in 2 weeks... mind you those new adjustments are fairly new... but I haven't had pop since 2013 and I've been working out (running\lifting) 3-4x a week consistently since the end of May... after crying the entire time while getting ready this morning and eating peanut butter cups and drinking a Seagram's this afternoon to wallow in my sorrow I've come to terms with this... it can't all be fat... some of it has to be water weight... there's no way I underestimated my calories by that freaking much.... plus my calorie goal is set for 1.5 labs lost\week...even though it shook my self esteem...I am still going to keep tracking and going... I can't just throw in the towel yet again... I can't bring myself to log that weight in however... so anyway... I'm curious how often people weigh themselves and deal with water weight fluctuations?? Anyone have some tips??


  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,542 Member
    I weigh maybe 3-4 times a week (out of curiosity) but I only log it weekly or biweekly.
  • leftinthekitchen
    I weigh myself on Mondays after I finish my cardio at the YMCA. I do it on an old school scale, that I was convinced was broken last week when it didn't go down like I had planned. This week however it did go down and it was an awesome feeling. Oh and on the weeks where there is no change or worse it goes up, I just don't record it. It's nagging at the back of my head so I won't forget but it helps me to consistently see my graph and the weight going down. Good luck and don't worry about the scale so much, focus on other positive improvements.
  • Mykaelous
    Mykaelous Posts: 231 Member
    I generally weigh myself daily to observe the fluctuations and then take a 3 day average and post it to MFP.
  • SnazzIT
    SnazzIT Posts: 215 Member
    Haha! I am in the same boat, but my friend met me the other night and she knew me when I weighed less, she told me that i looked so good and asked what I have been up to. I told her that I didn't feel that way because I have actually put on 2kgs in the last two weeks. She said that I actually look better than two years ago ( I was at least 10kgs less then). I guess that shows that my body shape has changed although my scale number hasn't, so this morning I didn't even look at the scale and will see it only next two weeks. :)
  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    I used to do the same as you but now because of the same reasons as you I weight once a week on tuesdays. Thats it :)
  • DonM46
    DonM46 Posts: 771 Member
    Weigh almost daily, but log only every 5-10 days based on the average.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    I weigh daily, in the morning after peeing and before I eat. I also log it, loss or gain.
  • BramageOMG
    BramageOMG Posts: 319 Member
    Naked first thing in the morning + Randomly throughout the day in various states of dress. Official weigh-in is always Saturday morning, but I too am obsessed. I think weighing too often can be discouraging, but I still do it. :wink:
  • stizneph420
    First off, as a woman you should be measuring your body for lost inches more frequently than weight. This is where you will see the changes occur first. The scale fluctuates from day to day depending on all kinds of things. Track your waist, neck, arms, hips and chest for changes and STOP beating yourself up about it.

    Its important to make these changes for your life, not just to lose weight. If every time you become discouraged your first reaction is to eat peanut butter cups and soda, you have not changed your lifestyle. Consistency is key, and don't stress yourself out by counting lbs every day, this isn't an accurate picture.
  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member
    Have you taken your measurments, or are you using just the number on the scale to gage progress? I highly, highly recommend taking your measurements and tracking your progress that way as well . . . I've had weeks where my weight stays the same or increases a bit but I've lost an inch here or there. You can't get too hung up on the scale.
  • MrsElguapo
    MrsElguapo Posts: 25 Member
    I am weighing myself daily too; it is the only way I can stay accountable. I know it isn't for everyone but I know myself and my patterns. In the past I have tried weighing weekly but I have too many opportunities to cheat and tell myself, "well, I am not weighing for another 3-4 days, etc". I have noticed though that if my sodium intake is even remotely high I hold on to a lot of water weight. That makes a BIG difference.
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    I found myself in this situation ....just maintaining.....weighing food and logging. Trying to limit weighing self to once weekly, but getting a wee bit obsessed and weighing nearly every day. Helpful advice on here, was to take measurements, as it probably was water weight....and to put the scales away for a bit! It is slowly working, measurements are showing inches lost!
    Keep going, weigh and log all food, don't give up!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I weigh myself daily but don't always log a gain. You are correct in that often it's just water weight.

    However, I also encourage you to reexamine your diary and make sure you aren't missing anything. We need to be really honest with ourselves when logging; the only person we hurt is ourselves, right? I'm not saying you're intentionally sabataging yourself but it's easy for us to to say "I'm doing everything right" when we aren't. Are you measuring, or even better, weighing, your food to make sure of the calories you're consuming? Are you choosing calorie counts that are lower out of the list on MFP? (there are lots of bad entries in there!) Are you using a HRM to measure your calorie burns or using the (often inflated) numbers out of MFP?

    If you haven't been yet, grab a measuring tape and start taking measurements. MFP tracks those as well. Inches lost are much better than pounds lost and sometimes I find that when the scale isn't moving the measuring tape is.
  • MrsElguapo
    MrsElguapo Posts: 25 Member
    Agreed. I take my measurements too and that helps, especially if the scaled hasn't moved in awhile.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    I have been weighing myself daily for at least two years now. The weird thing about weight that I have noticed is that what you do yesterday may not show up on the scale for a week or two, Your body is a complex mechanism. You have to have faith and be strict about your tracking. Lots of things affect your weight as a woman. As you track over time you will notice your own body's patterns.
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    I weigh myself Friday mornings after I pee. If I decide to have a treat on the weekend I can take the rest of the week to be back on track. Although I dont often go off track on weekends...I am too chicken to fall off the proverbial wagon yet...
  • Souhaits
    Souhaits Posts: 12
    I weigh myself every single day. Once in the morning naked after I pee and once after I workout at night (I workout late) and sometimes right before I sleep. I like to see the difference. I used to weigh myself every few hours or when I felt like it. I saw my fluctuations but I knew it was like that. I've learned to deal with water weight. I can fluctuate up to 5lbs just like that!

    I'm starting to take measurements, you should too! I wish I had in the beginning though.
  • buzz3d269
    buzz3d269 Posts: 87 Member
    I was weighing myself weekly, but I got a wifi scale two weeks ago, and am now measuring every morning. When I first got it, I was measuring 3 or 4 times a day, just out of curiosity, to see how the numbers change. It's interesting that my weekly weigh in used to be Monday, but Tuesday is often my "lightest" day!

    I was worried with the scales that it might become obsessive, but so far I'm doing ok. My trick is that I weigh in the morning, before I'm really awake. I glance at the number, but because they're wifi scales, I don't need to remember it, it automatically logs it into the computer, so I don't seem to be placing as much importance on it as when I weighing weekly.

    The only issue is that because it automatically logs the weight on MFP, I've had to turn off the auto updates to MFP (didn't want to spam my friends with constant "lost 0.1kg, gained 0.2kg etc" messages). Also, because weight does fluctuate a fair bit through the week, I'm not really sure what to consider my current weight. At the moment, I'm still glancing at whatever my weight was on the Monday (my old weigh in day) and considering that my current weight.
  • meltedsno
    meltedsno Posts: 208 Member
    weighed myself on July 1, 2013.... weighed the next time on November 21, 2013... down 52 lbs at that time. Haven't "officially" weighed myself since then. However, did weigh at my sister's house 4 weeks ago. She's the only one who knows what I weigh today as I would not look and do not want to know.... based on her reaction (and the fact that I have gone from a very tight size 18 to a size 4) I do believe I have lost right around 100 lbs....

    must admit, giving up the scale was the most instrumental tool in my weight loss success.. .I was a 2/3/4 times a day weigher and would get easily disgruntled so figured to hell with it... :-)
  • KilaMarie88
    KilaMarie88 Posts: 28 Member
    weighed myself on July 1, 2013.... weighed the next time on November 21, 2013... down 52 lbs at that time. Haven't "officially" weighed myself since then. However, did weigh at my sister's house 4 weeks ago. She's the only one who knows what I weigh today as I would not look and do not want to know.... based on her reaction (and the fact that I have gone from a very tight size 18 to a size 4) I do believe I have lost right around 100 lbs....

    must admit, giving up the scale was the most instrumental tool in my weight loss success.. .I was a 2/3/4 times a day weigher and would get easily disgruntled so figured to hell with it... :-)

    I'm thinking about getting rid of my scale.... because I easily get disgruntled as well! I'm so glad I didn't have my usual full out binge this time and was able to stop myself early enough today....I'm curious if you go by measurements or just by how you feel.... like I said...I felt so much happier\better about myself when I wasn't looking at my scale... but I also what to make sure what I'm doing is actually working.... after I had my freakout I did measure myself and compare to measurements I took in May...I lost an inch in my belly but gained an inch in my chest (can't complain too much :P) and all other measurements were the same.... its weird because I weighed 16lbs less then...