Hunger is a Constant Battle

I'm sure plenty of people here say it often, but I am hungry all the time. I have taken every piece of advice on this possible--I eat many small meals throughout the day, I drink tons of water, protein? try 130+ grams/day, and at least 20 g fiber as well. The bottom line for me, I think, is that as long as I am going to keep maintaining my calorie deficit (-500, I anticipate for a few more months), I'm gonna be hungry. Don't get me wrong, my will wins out--I very rarely crack and binge or anything of that sort. 9 times out of 10 I still come out below my limit. It's just that it is a constant struggle. This is not really meant to solicit advice; it's really just a rant and a way of identifying with anyone out there who feels the same. Somewhat of a side note the hunger can also make me slightly crotchety but it subsides for about an hour or so after I eat...


  • mrsewert
    mrsewert Posts: 430 Member
    The hunger thing can be a huge battle. Have you tried 3 full meals a day but 3 small snacks?

    Like this:

    Breakfast: 8am
    Snack: 10am
    Dinner: 12pm
    Snack: 2pm
    Supper: 5pm
    Snack: 7pm

    It's almost like your eating all day but making healthy choices of course! :)
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Yep - I feel the same way. Not all the time but way to often. I have the problem especially at night and found that a flavorful tea helps. I don't drink tea normally but the Good Earth caffeine free Original in Sweet & Spicy (like liquid gingersnaps) saves me night after night. Hot drinks do help provide the "comfort" we are seeking. I have told a few friends and they are astouded at how much it helps. Hope it helps you too!
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    Rant away! Sometimes you just need to let out the frustration.... :):)
  • tmanger
    I know what you mean. Seems like I can eat, then an hour later it's like I haven't eaten yet! The lower cals probably have something to do with it, but I think for me stress makes me hungry too! Work's a B...ear. If I could just replace my boss.... :bigsmile:
  • Rjperron
    Rjperron Posts: 150
    I think that it's something that you have to get used to, unfortunately. I know that i came from a 'clean your plate' family, so as a result I think that I grew up OVER full, so now that I'm eating sensibly I feel starving. Know that you're giving your body what it needs, and your body will adjust. I also find that certain foods fill me longer than others, like cheese and beef (higher fat I assume). Find these foods for you!
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    I try to eat healthier so that I can eat more. When you eat the same things you were before in moderation, you eat less food.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Green beans! When I was over or too close to really eat more I'd go for green beans. You can eat TONS for only 100 cals and it will be good for filling you up. Plus, I like green beans so...

    Sometimes, you just gotta take a lower deficit so you stay happy and full. It's slower, but I'm not in this to be hungry all the time :)
  • kappy2010
    Always always always hungry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have IBS too, so if I let myself go too long without eating, my stomach will hurt! I have to have about 6 small meals a day to keep my tummy satisfied, and like you said an hour later, my stomach is growling again! NEVER ENDING BATTLE! I still have a ways to go too! 25 pounds at least!

    One thing though, fennel tea helps to stave off hunger. That's the only way I make it sometimes, it's a natural apetite suppressant. It's not the greatest tasting appetite suppressant, but it works, try adding some stevia sweetener or some honey to it to help the taste.

    oh, and rant away, I do all the time!
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    The "hungry" feeling is a common problem for all dieters. There are a couple of questions I would have first.
    1) Did you recently alter your calorie goals?
    I ask this because there is an adjustment time period for your body to get used to what you are doing.

    2) Are you eating carb or sugary foods? This includes fruits.
    I ask this because carbs and sugar only serve as a temporary solution to hunger. Protein and vegetables are the best solution to hunger. Also, protein shakes can be very filling as well.

    3) What type of lifestyle do you lead? Are you doing an intense amount of cardio?
    I ask this because if you have a typical desk job, and your mind is not kept occupied, many people fall into the trap of filling time with food, and that is how their body reacts. Also, if you are training for longer distance runs, long distance biking, cross country skiing, etc, then your body is burning through carbs and all of your stored energy as well. In this case, you may be depriving your body of necessary carbs, meaning you would need to increase your carb intake.

    There are too many possibilities, but hopefully my questions help out a little. If you want to chat more you can always message me.
  • utamore
    Thanks for the comments and support y'all! Re: a few particular comments. (1) I do try to have 3 big meals and 3 small meals... doesn't make much of a difference. (2) Evening hunger actually is not that big of a problem for me, even if I eat an early dinner at like 5:30. I will admit that most nights I have a small alcoholic beverage (usually 1-2 oz of bourbon) after dinner and I have heard mixed things--most people say it makes you crave carbs and what not, but some people say it quells any hunger pangs. I don't really get any hunger "pain" per se, but I generally do not end up hungry at sleep time. My tough time is during the straight up 9-5, especially in the afternoon. If I eat lunch at noon I am ravenous by 2 PM, and then it's a struggle to snack reasonably until I make it to dinner. Re: eating veggies, green beans--yeah, I'm down with all that. I'm about to have a gargantuan salad for lunch that will clock under 400 cals easily. Still, I'm glad I budgeted room for a cliff bar this afternoon... I'm going to need it...
  • utamore

    1) No, but I've only been strict about -500 calories as of a month ago, so that is probably a factor.

    2) I eat ~100-200g carbs/day. Honestly, I feel like I should probably eat more complex carbs if anything...

    3) I do have a desk job, and I'm sure that part of my constant hunger relates to mind wandering, etc. I work out first thing in the morning for one hour every day, 2 days running, 3 days weight lifting, 1 day yoga, 1 day martial arts. (not in that order)