wisdom teeth extracted. options?

coul somebody give me a list of foods for
I can barely chew so no solid options and no peanut butter because of allergy


  • Whtmask
    Whtmask Posts: 219 Member
    I personally enjoyed pancakes after my wisdom teeth were extracted . I made it work because that's what I really wanted for some reason. :tongue:
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    Yogurt and protein shakes?
  • ge105
    ge105 Posts: 268 Member
    I just took some pills and slept for a day...felt well enough to eat the next day.

    Other than that...chicken soup always makes me feel good when I feel crappy.
  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member
    Puree everything and drink it through a straw :wink:
    What about soft things like tuna...sugar free fudgsicles (40cal) & they don't taste sugar free...not like the multi colored popsicles.
    Soft cooked beans...just some ideas!
  • Mamapop2
    Mamapop2 Posts: 1 Member
    Don't drink anything through straw! It will loosen blood clot and become very painful.
  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member
    Don't drink anything through straw! It will loosen blood clot and become very painful.

    That was a joke :ohwell: (its been said that after 3 -7 days you can...if you wanted to)
    Clearly soft foods were given as suggestions...as someone else also offered...chicken soup is good for soft and its good for the soul!
  • jamien604
    jamien604 Posts: 11 Member
    I wouldn't worry too much about your macros right now.

    When I had my jaw surgery I ate lots of mashed potatoes with gravy and had a protein shake or two.

    I ate some pasta too, you can get egg noodles those have lots of protein in them. It was a little harder to eat then just mashed potatoes are.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    don't worry about it.

    sleep the first day- take good drugs and eat soft things.

    all I ate was ice cream and soup- maybe some grilled cheese

    You're not going to throw your whole life off kilter for 3-4 days by just eating yogurt soup and ice cream. I live off carbs when I'm sick.

    it is what it is. :)
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Ice cream. Always go with ice cream.
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    mashed potatoes
    apple sauce
    Greek yogurt
    plain yogurt
    soup (not too hot)

    I wouldn't worry about your macro's and just focus on healing,

    I had all 4 of mine removed in one go....still remember the chipmunk jokes

    my advice: if you are still bleeding after 24hours, put a wet teabag in your mouth near your wisdom holes and let it sit there for about 10min (its weird and taste nasty but works like a charm). Avoid straws or gum, the sucking motion may cause dry socket (blood clot is removed causing the nerves to be exposed to air) a blender is your best friend for the next week or 2
  • kjm3579
    kjm3579 Posts: 3,974 Member
    Frosty's from Wendys -- we got them for my son when he had all 4 removed at the same time.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    I drank so many of those carnation instant breakfast things and ate baked potatoes. I was so hungry by day 2 and 3.
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 822 Member
    scrambled eggs with cheese . Cook them only just past the liquid stage to keep them softer.
  • ashdawg8790
    ashdawg8790 Posts: 819 Member
    Bumping for when I get mine out in a few months... sorry OP! I don't have much else to add to what everyone else has suggested.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    Soup was a VERY bad idea for me. I puked so many times my teeth sockets got infected. I ended up having to go the Jell-o and nothing but route. I simply stayed hungry. Mouth pain won over stomach pain. Plus I slept A LOT.
  • thatgirlkellib
    thatgirlkellib Posts: 150 Member
    well i drank through a straw and smoked cigarettes gross I know...I am a former smoker now 2 years free BTW. and I end up with dry socket it all four places . dont be an idiot like me because it made it twice as painful! jello and frozen and soup is what I ate the first day or two
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    I second the scrambled eggs with cheese and mashed potatoes. I also ate a lot of applesauce, pudding, and those mashed fruit packets.

    After a couple days I ate ice cream too. I just wanted lukewarm stuff at first.
  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    All 4 out at once. I say milkshakes (cold and soothing) are the only way to go. No chewing! Of course, I was 20 lbs. lighter when I had my wisdom teeth out, so I could care less back then about calories.