It's actually working

I just have to share with somebody or everybody that while I'm probably not doing everything the optimal way, Diet needs work (still haven't quite figured out what I should be eating numbers wise, as well as whats quick vs what I can afford food wise vs what the kids will eat etc) , cardio is a constant battle to push myself to do it cos cardio is the devil, but it's slowly working. Weight hasn't changed that much lost 4lbs, which I blame on diet and muscles BUT I've lost an inch all around.
I started lifting for the first time ever and I have actual muscles forming that I can see! I'm so excited. I flex biceps often in a mirror just so I can be like omg good job girlie. And I'm lifting more than I thought I would be able to. I've always had weak upper body, strong legs so gaining strength and seeing results is awesomeness. And I am shaving off time from my treadmill runs. At the start it took me almost an hour to walk 2-3 miles and now I am walk/running 2 miles in 30 minutes.

I'm feeling great, motivated even more now that I can see results and on course for running the warrior dash in october.. with one eye on those sexy pants!!


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member


    i also find that my body responds well to lifting + calorie deficit in terms of fat loss which helps uncover the muscles that are already there.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I just have to share with somebody or everybody that while I'm probably not doing everything the optimal way, Diet needs work (still haven't quite figured out what I should be eating numbers wise, as well as whats quick vs what I can afford food wise vs what the kids will eat etc) , cardio is a constant battle to push myself to do it cos cardio is the devil, but it's slowly working. Weight hasn't changed that much lost 4lbs, which I blame on diet and muscles BUT I've lost an inch all around.
    I started lifting for the first time ever and I have actual muscles forming that I can see! I'm so excited. I flex biceps often in a mirror just so I can be like omg good job girlie. And I'm lifting more than I thought I would be able to. I've always had weak upper body, strong legs so gaining strength and seeing results is awesomeness. And I am shaving off time from my treadmill runs. At the start it took me almost an hour to walk 2-3 miles and now I am walk/running 2 miles in 30 minutes.

    I'm feeling great, motivated even more now that I can see results and on course for running the warrior dash in october.. with one eye on those sexy pants!!

    Congrats! I know just how you feel. Fortunately, my BF is very fit and he understands me flexing and posing in the mirror all the time. Progress feels great, and having visible proof that your methods are working is even better!
  • Beanogirl
    Beanogirl Posts: 97 Member
    I am 52 years old and half way to my goal. I walk about 20 miles a week for pleasure and I am really pleased with my progress so far. I know I need to tone up and I am unsure whether to join a gym or try pilates. When ever I have joined a gym before I have been bored to death but I am aware I need something. Advice please. Will pilates/yoga type stretching exercises give me the results I want?