could I really weigh in once a week?



  • 20carrots
    20carrots Posts: 279 Member
    Of course I decide to do this one week before Thanksgiving :tongue:

    Since we are going out of town I will have no choice then, but I'd really like to do it on a week when I'm totally in control, not travelling and pigging out on Thanksgiving. Maybe I'll try it the week after the holiday.

    The truly sad thing is, even though I weigh in every day, when I look back at only my Thursday #s for example, there is still very little movement. .2 here, .4 there. I guess eating around 1200 cals and running 3 miles 5x a week isn't working :sad:
  • flossicle
    I only weigh myself once a week..Thursday mornings @ roughly the same time every week..i dont think weighing yourself does anything for your motivation and i can't see how it can give a true analysis of how you're doing, surely it's better once a week to see what you're actually doing, you can then see what you did well the previous week or where you made mistakes and rectify it... weighing daily you can't really get a picture of this?
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    my scale is in my head, lol....... that and my clothes are my scale/guide

    I kinda think its up to the individual like people here have written. What ever works for you, then you should do this. I know that if it takes 3500 hundred calories to put on a pound of fat, wow, thats a lot of pigging out you have to do to get there

    I know there are days where if I exercise, I gain weight,,,,lol, no joke.

    So I weigh myself every couple of weeks now, but in the beginning, I used to each day...........Good luck, I do hope you find a great answer... were all here for you ....Lloyd
  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member
    I too used to weigh every morning but it got obsessive and even though I knew I would fluctuate (even to the point I knew that Tuesday is my heaviest day, have a loss Weds then lightest on a Friday.....!) it drove me INSANE!

    Then I changed to once a week (Friday of course, it being my lightest day!! Lol) and that helped me A LOT! Saw losses and was motivated.

    NOW I'm at a point where I'm wanting to tone, I'm shrinking size-wise and GAINING so I'm not weighing myself for a month at a time to save my disappointment!

    I think just do what is best for you, your motivation and your overall mentality :)