Nike Plus friends?

iGman79 Posts: 66 Member
Hello all
3 years now i am using Nike plus app on iPhone or my iPod nano for both treadmill and outdoors sessions. Its quite a motivating app that has a web client and you can see many stats of your root or the pace on the treadmill.
Mst important is that you can set goal s on specific periods of time

Last goal was to do 80+ kilometers in 8 weeks and i think i will reach that goal in around 5-6 weeks!which is great. This is due to the fact that the last couple of weeks i have increased my cardio both after weights and on cardio days ( cardio days 1+ hour, lifting days 30 mins)

i am wondering how many of you have an account or using the nike plus app or web service
if you do lets be friends there..has some nice stats!!

good morning all!
