Wondering if anyone has a favourite Youtube workout

Hi guys! I was wondering if anyone had a go-to workout or cardio session they love doing with the help of youtube. I find a lot of yoga videos, tae bo, and zumba on there, but wanted to see what options you all loved and would recommend.

Currently I am doing the 30 Day Shred through youtube (today I made it half way through!) so I'd love any suggestions



  • Tora32
    Tora32 Posts: 33 Member
    I personally love the Blogilates and the Fitness Blender channels. Cassey on Blogilates is all kinds of fun while still giving you an intense pilates-based workout, and Fitness Blender simply has a lot of great routines of a variety of types and lengths.
  • jennyofmiller
    I love POP Sugar because you can find workouts with celebrity trainers. Besides that, I am working online via webcam with my personal trainer because I can choose variety of workouts and he is always there to guide me and follow my progress.
  • fliss4
    fliss4 Posts: 5 Member
    I like pop sugar as well, this video is good for core strengthening especially if like me you have lower back issues
  • Brooklyn703
    Brooklyn703 Posts: 18 Member
    I like jessica smith tv and Kiera leashae. Both on YouTube. They are more dance based workouts that are a ton of fun.
  • jiagetsfit
    jiagetsfit Posts: 273 Member
    Just about any and every videos from Blogilates, Fitness Blender, Tone it up, Jessica Smith, Daily HIIT, Popsugar, BeFit, Livestrong.

    LoL.....long list!