3lb gain within a couple of days :(

So on Sunday I was quite pleased to see I'd lost 3lb that week, it was such a confidence booster, I was telling my friends and family how pleased I was, and telling myself I'll hit my goal in no time. Then this morning the scales tell me I've gained it all back. I'm so confused as to how, I haven't cheated on my food and I've continued with my exercise routine. I read on a couple of forums I could be holding water but it just seems strange that I've put on the same 3lb that I'd originally lost.


  • srr728
    srr728 Posts: 549 Member
    water weight!!!! do not stress! It took 6 weeks of eating well and exercising for me to lose anything because i was holding water bc of sore muscles Its a journey and there are so many things that change water weight,

    I retain water like a camel. PMS, hormones, salt intake, heavy exercise etc Your weight can fluxuate up to 8-10lbs a week.

    you have to take your non-scale victiories in stride too, its not all about the scale.
    measure yourself, you can lose inc hes
    keep track of all your positive changes

    your weight also changes thru the day.

    weigh yourself at same time as soon as you wake up after using the bathroom, and if you stress abt weekly weights, then do every two weeks.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I gain about 4-5lbs from Friday into Monday most weeks. It comes off again by Friday, and more.
  • Jodsmission
    Jodsmission Posts: 130 Member
    ^ This
    She's right. You know you didn't eat an extra 10,500 calories nor were you misssing an extra 10K in calories last week. It's water . Sucks but it will go away soon enough.
  • klumsykunoichi
    Thank you, I needed the reassurance. After this mornings sulk I think my boyfriend plans to hide the scales :p
  • CMarieVirginia
    What ever you do, don't give up. Let me say that again. Don't give up. I am 66 and have been trying to lose weight for years now. I've tried everything--high carb, high protein, vegan, you name it. At my age I have no metabolism, and I'm only able to do small amounts of exercise. And now finally with MFP I am losing at a rate of about 2 pounds a week. I promise you, if you do the MFP system and stay truthful to yourself and MFP about what you are eating, drinking and exercising, you WILL lose and reach your goal. Don't despair over ups and downs--it happens to me too, and all of us, up-down-up-down-up-down-lose a pound, and then up again. Drink lots of water--you will not retain it if you are within your sodium limits. One day at a time. Remember the tortoise and the hare story.