12lbs to lose-who's with me?!

I'm starting a new job in 6 weeks and want to start looking my best. My long term goal is 12lbs and I'd like to be as close to that as possible starting work. I've struggled to lose my baby weight even though my baby is a year old! Pre-baby I was pretty fit so I'm planning on getting back into working out too. Does anyone out there have a similar goal to me? I'd love some healthy and friendly competition!


  • WitchesGuildMaster
    I'm slightly crazy. As you can tell from my profile. I've got 11lb to lose, doing it slowly as it should be though, only half lb a week loss.

    You can FR me if you wish :wink: ps, I also sell potions and spellbooks :tongue:
  • louiseduckett81
    louiseduckett81 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm with you, I need to shift my baby weight and my youngest is 18mths. I'm trying to lose a lb a week so that will take me back to pre-pregnancy weight just before her 2nd birthday at the end of October. Looking forward to the competition!!!! :smile:
  • pamellamarie11
    pamellamarie11 Posts: 8 Member
    Me too, please!