Looking for friends and supporters!

Hi guys. I just getting started the lose weight today! Frankly, this is my number million try....I live at Shoreline Washington. Doing fitness at YMCA ( just out side of my apartment) . So...If anybody from this area or interested to support and help me, please contact me!!! I think I really need help now..Oh, by the way, I'm over 300 pounds...And the main problem for me, it's feel shamed when I walk into a fitness center and feel scared when I'm about to get into the swimming pool with bathing suit...That's why I've been holding up for a week, and I haven't get my swimming suit yet..........( I just a overseas student here, don't have much friends... I admit that I used to got lazy everytime...But this time I really want to change!)

Sorry,I wrote too much. Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for any kind advise!!!!!


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    I'd love to help motivate you! I've been there. at my heaviest, I weighed 332. In the last two years I have been able to lose 106 lbs and have 25 to go to hit my goal. It has been a long road with many setbacks and frustrations, but I stuck to it and I feel great! It is acheivable and I'd love to help you get there. Send me a buddy request
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Hi, from Arlington, WA
    FR sent!
  • KommandantStiglitz
    Hi! Thegreatcanoo and Trisnbrysomo, I'm sorry that I don't know how to reply you over the phone...Thanks for your support! I felt I can really do this! Do you guys have any suggestions for me? I'm doing that cycling machine everyday for 45mins now, and I'm about to start to swim
  • deladypilot
    deladypilot Posts: 618 Member
    I dont live close but always willing to support someone.

    Do not worry about what others think of you at the gym. Go in there and show them you are serious and in no time they will all be looking at you saying. Wow, that is one determined person.
  • RollTideLisa
    Hi, first I would just like to say congrats on beginning your journey. It is super tough to motivate yourself each day at first, but it does get easier in time. I don't live close to you unfortunately, but you can feel free to add me; I am new to this site too. I don't go to a gym, because for me there isn't one near to me. I have found the wonders of fitness videos on YouTube though and there are many of them that are great for beginners and as you become more advanced there are much harder videos:) If you are new to fitness, search JessicaSmithtv, and if you are more advanced try fitness blender. If you already know about these, my apologies. But I just wanted to most of all wish you lots of luck and perseverance!!
  • cechavis11
    Hi friends! I want to join in support as well! I'm a recent college grad who has picked up a lot of weight since freshman year and have not had the healthiest eating habits. That changes now! I'm currently 229 and working to get down to 160 over time. I would love to have your support and motivation as well!
  • MariamRodriguez12
    Congratulations on taking the right step towards losing weight. Do not be ashamed of going to the gym, remember that everyone started out somewhere. :) add me if you want!
  • kunalloser
    kunalloser Posts: 38 Member
    Feel free to add. Daily logger.