Supplies to survive the apocalypse

rd72578 Posts: 10
There is an international called Humans vs Zombies that is super popular on college campuses. Basically the premise of the game is that everyone starts out as a human except for a couple of people who are zombies. The goal of the zombies is to tag the humans and convert them, while the goal of the humans is to survive. Humans can defend themselves using Nerf blasters or balled up socks. Generally the game is played over the course of about five days, with missions, safe zones, rewards, etc.

My problem:
I will be playing a game of HvZ this weekend. However; this one was created with a twist. It's about 20 hours long with no safe zones and you're not allowed to leave the set boundaries. So not only do players have to deal with the usual aspects of the game, it also includes a real "survival" and "immersive" type of experience. I'm in the works of getting my backpack together for the weekend. I already have my usual HvZ stuff that I won't bother going into details about.

The question:
If you had to survive for 20 hours out in the woods with only a backpack, what would you bring with you? My biggest concerns are food and water. I have to be able to carry it on my back and it has to last me long enough to not literally die out in the GA heat. Hunting/fishing is obviously not an option.

Basically I've come up with protein bars, couple bottles of water, and packets of Gatorade power mix (for the electrolytes). Other than that I'm totally at a loss. I have other things such as a head flashlight, regular flashlight, poncho, radio, compass, bug spray, mini first aid kit (with ibuprofen and an ace bandage), and my cell phone for absolute emergencies. I plan on being with about 4 other people (there's about 150 registered players so far) so we can maybe divide supplies up, but having to be alone is a possibility.


  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    Just 20 hours? All I'll need is a pillow.

    Wait, is there wi-fi? If so, I'll also need a laptop for pr0n.
  • rd72578
    rd72578 Posts: 10
    If anyone is curious, here is the main link to the game:

    Also if anyone is in the Athens, GA area or wants to come out, message me privately and I'll send you the info to get registered. You don't have to be enrolled in any college or anything like that. Anyone is welcome to play.
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    20 hours?

    1: four bottles of water
    2: a few energy bars (just to keep you from getting cranky)
    3: As much ammunition as you can possibly carry
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    i came in here all ready to list out the gear i take on camping trips, but for 20 hours you will only really what you listed, you could probably go without the radio. pack light considering speed is key and you would be fine if you had only the clothes on your back
  • ink_b1tch
    ink_b1tch Posts: 101
    When I was in college it was drinking and sex....anyone else think this may be a sick and twisted sex game? I would take a human sacrifice, maybe two? Makes it eaiser to throw human treats at the zobies giving you time to run like hell!
  • blueboxgeek
    blueboxgeek Posts: 574 Member
    Sounds like you have a good list. Maybe bacon to distract the zombies :)

    By the way sounds like good fun to me!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    That sounds like fun!

    Are your water bottles huge? If not, 2 may not be enough to get you through the day, especially conisering the heat. I like the idea of the electrolyte additions. Or is there a chance they'll provide water for the safety of the players? Are there breaks?

    How about some apples and packs of peanut butter crackers (the pre-made kind - homemade woud probably get messy, especially in the heat).

    P.S. Could you stash food and water stores ahead of time in the areas where you think you'll be hiding or is that cheating?
  • Texusmc
    Texusmc Posts: 129 Member
    20 hours?

    1: four bottles of water
    2: a few energy bars (just to keep you from getting cranky)
    3: As much ammunition as you can possibly carry

    ^^this. for 20 hours....agree, and some good running shoes
  • rondaj05
    rondaj05 Posts: 497 Member
    Single packs of protein powder to mix with the water to make protein shakes? Single serve packs of tuna.
  • my_2_cents
    my_2_cents Posts: 109 Member
    Take a camelbak and a lifestraw. Use the lifestraw for drinking as much as possible from sources in the woods. Lifestraw can be purchased at any outdoors store for about $15. This will save you carrying water weight as I believe in Georgia streams and lakes are plentiful. Drink fast flowing water when you can.

    Ordinarily I would strongly recommend a knife and a firearm, but in your case a firearm is out and a knife is a good idea, but should be in the bottom of your pack. I've seen some training exercises and games turn violent really fast when fight or flight kicked in and someone reached for a pocket knife because its what they had mentally prepared to do, so in a game like this carry a knife buried deeply.

    Bring dry socks and clothes, one set of everything.

    Bring bug spray, and bear spray if bears are common there.

    For food, I would suggest lightweight calorie dense foods, choose what you want at an outdoor supply store. You don't need meals to survive 20 hours, but you will need some calories. Other than that, I'd say you're good to go. Make sure to bring two ways to start a fire, usually a lighter and some waterproof matches. Two way radios are great if you have some allies, but make sure you have attached headphones so you're not blasting your location out loud every time it goes off, and make sure they're waterproof as if they're not, you're guaranteed to run through a stream and fall. also, put your cell in a waterproof case or bag.
  • my_2_cents
    my_2_cents Posts: 109 Member

    P.S. Could you stash food and water stores ahead of time in the areas where you think you'll be hiding or is that cheating?

    ^^^^^^+1 to this if you can well hide or camoflage it.

    Also, go to a surplus store and get some cheap good camo clothing and face paints if you want to really hide in the woods or look hardcore. A ghillie suit might be taking it too far, but would definitely hide you.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    it's on my bucket list to learn how to live as a hunter-gatherer and survive for at least a couple of weeks with only stone age technology (not including clothes and something like a phone for emergencies... although I am including learning how to tan hides and make clothes from them...)

    Knowing how to build shelters, make hunting weapons, hunt and find food from just what's already there in the environment is more important in terms of surviving apocalypses than what things you bring with you. Guns are great... until you run out of ammo. The ability to knap flint and make an atlatl and a throwing spear - and use it - isn't something that will run out. Ditto start fires with only friction and/or flint and iron pyrite (and build them correctly so they get lit and keep going).

    so what I'd take with me is knowledge of how to survive as a stone age hunter-gatherer.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    20 hours? fishing gear, vasaline, and my lithium battery Gameboy advance and a charged cell phone.

    Sure I could keep myself entertained with that.

    And a .22 with about a thousand rounds just in case.
  • laurie04427
    laurie04427 Posts: 421 Member
    Mm some of the energy bars are really dense (calorie wise plus filling). I'd grab like 4 of those and two big jugs of water. Maybe some nuts too.
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    That sounds like fun!

    Are your water bottles huge? If not, 2 may not be enough to get you through the day, especially conisering the heat. I like the idea of the electrolyte additions. Or is there a chance they'll provide water for the safety of the players? Are there breaks?

    How about some apples and packs of peanut butter crackers (the pre-made kind - homemade woud probably get messy, especially in the heat).

    P.S. Could you stash food and water stores ahead of time in the areas where you think you'll be hiding or is that cheating?

    When it comes to survival, I think not.
  • MeadowSong
    MeadowSong Posts: 171 Member
    You need much more water. I'd take my horse. She is always on the alert for zombies just in every day life and would be a real asset.
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    20 hours?

    1: four bottles of water
    2: a few energy bars (just to keep you from getting cranky)
    3: As much ammunition as you can possibly carry

    "A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition."
    Rudyard Kipling
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    Whatever happened to just playing doorknob?

    Why does life have to be so complicated now a days?
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Three liters of water.
    Food. I recommend something high calorie but not packed in a bag that crinkles.
    Camo blanket and hat
    Parachute cord
    A decent knife
    Reading material
    Compass with topographic map
    Matches and lighter

    Don't make a camp fire. Be aware of your surroundings. Listen before moving.