nausea when dieting?

i've only been dieting for 5 days, and i'm doing well to eat a balanced diet, considering my diet before this was literally just junk food, fast food, pizza, mcdonalds, etc....

so i've been doing my best to eat multigrains, fruit, low fat yoghurts, veg, but i do eat a small amount of low fat cheese every day (because cheese is my vice and i dont think i could live without it) AND i do buy low fat meals for dinner, but they don't seem to be like the usual "processed diet meals" they're full of vegetables, and have ZERO artificial preservatives, colours or flavourings. also i dont really have the time to be cooking meals from scratch, and these meals taste good, and fill me up, but are low calorie. so i dont really see the harm?

BUT this morning, i woke up, ate my usual breakfast, my multivitamins tablet, two large glasses of water, black coffee, piece of fruit and multi grain slice of toast, and literally the MOMENT after i finished eating my breakfast i thought i was going to vomit...

i never feel sick, i rarely get naseous, but my mouth was just filling up with saliva, i was so confused.
i rushed to the sink and managed to subside it after about 5 minutes, but it was so odd. i hadn't even done anything yet, i'd just eaten, i didnt scoff it down...

i'm not allergic to anything, i'm used to eating total crap so i dont think eating one ready-made meal a day is the problem, i havent felt hungry and i've been sticking to 1200 (+ slightly over when i feel like it) so i'm not starving myself, last night i ate just over 1400... but maybe in comparison to my old diet, my body thinks i am starving myself? also i've been drinking a lot of water to help me feel full, but again my body is not used to that...

i just don't want this to become a regular thing and i dont understand why it's it normal to feel like this occasionally?

please help


  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Sometimes I get nauseated when I take a vitamin on an empty stomach. Maybe eat first, then take the vitamin? Otherwise it may just be your body adjusting to your new eating habits, or you're just getting the flu. Don't give up though, and keep eating enough to fuel your body. :)
  • mommyrunning
    mommyrunning Posts: 495 Member
    I take vitamins last minute before going to sleep because they make me nauseous. Also it is not uncommon for your stomach to get upset when you go from eating junk/fast food to eating lots of fruits and veggies. It takes time for your body to adjust.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    You may also want to add a little good fat to your breakfast. I like to drizzle a little ( teaspoon) of good olive oil or a half of an avocado on my toast. It will also help your body use the fat soluble vitamins in your multivitamin.
  • alicestrick5
    alicestrick5 Posts: 3 Member
    i think you all might be right about the multivitamins because i take them first and then eat my breakfast! so i will try that and hope it doesn't happen again! thank you all :)