Tips/Suggestions/HELP! :)

Hey everyone! I'm a new member to MFP, but already it's been so encouraging to see all of the amazing transformations that some people have made. It's seriously the movtivation that I've been needing all this time and I really appreciate how supportive and kind everyone has been. So THANK YOU!

So here's my question for everyone. I just got back into working out and I plan to work out at least 5 times a week, alternating between machines, classes (zumba & kickboxing) and workout dvd's (good ol Jillian Michaels!)

Because I'm still new to the workout thing, I was hoping people could give me a few suggestions on:

- Things I can add to my foods for more fiber, protein, etc (I'll be cutting out most red meat and sticking to chicken and fish in the beginning and sticking more to fruits and whole grains)
- SAFE dietary suppliments/appetite suppressants or vitamins(I was encouraged by the honest blog post of MFP "WeightingforSara" who used Adipex to help her in the beginning of her weight loss journey. She used them to help suppress appetite until she was able to control her snacking herself. So smart! If you haven't looked her up, GO AND DO IT! Her weight loss is amazing and she is completely honest and sincere in the ups and downs of her journey so far! She will encourage you.)
- Exercises that target the midsection (All of my fat goes right to my stomach. BLEH!)
- Any other tips you want to share to help speed up the process! LOL. I know it won't melt off overnight, but suggestions are definitely welcome!

That's about it for now. Thanks MFP! I really feel good about this lifestyle change. I'm so glad you guys can all be apart of it! Woot woot! :flowerforyou:


  • alibur85
    alibur85 Posts: 122 Member
    Hey Girl! I'm so glad you found MFP too!! We're going to all help support each other! You are a part of a team now!

    Okay as far as the diet stuff, egg whites are a great source of protein with little calories. I will also make a small fruit smoothie (1/2 plain yogurt, 1/4 cut frozen fruit, 8oz orange juice, 1 scoop Soy Protein, 1 heaping TBS Benefiber) about 30 minutes before I work out to give me energy. I'm no nutritionalist though, so i'm not sure any more I tell you is good advice or not, it's just what is working for me.

    I take Women's One a Day Metabolism Booster to get my vitamins and such.

    I really wish I new what midsection targeting worked the best, I like you, have to deal with that being my 'catch all' area. I just remember to keep my core tight when I work out and walk. But I know there has to be some secret out there!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Feel free to look through my food diary for ideas - I am never hungry and am always under on fat, calories, and sodium. My food intake isn't perfect, but it is really good and I have had great results so far.

    Biggest tip: DRINK LOTS OF WATER! Your body requires water to function properly. Drink at least 8 glasses/day but, if possible, up it to half your body weight in ounces (example - if you weigh 200 lbs, drink at least 100 oz of water or 12.5 eight-ounce cups of water each day). It will help you stay regular, will help you feel full, and will just generally make your body function better.
  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 321 Member
    I've added almonds to my diet......They are my new favorite thing! Very little sodium, but they have lots of healthy fat and protein, and some fiber. Some other things I like to eat are plain yogurt (too much sugar in the flavored yogurts....though I do eat Activia by Dannon), eggs, tuna (I rinse it to reduce the sodium), oatmeal, and now TONS of WATER! :happy:
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    don't use supplements! Most aren't good for your and you'll gain most of the weight back after starting them. They can be addictive in that sense! Do everything natural and healthy. Don't rush the end result, because this is a lifestyle change for the long term!