Cycling + Weight training

fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
Anyone start out your weight loss by combining both? Did it slow your weight loss (yes the scale number sucks)? My measurements are going down but incredibly slowly.

I am eating about 2200 (non workout days) to 2700 - 2800 on workout days. I base my exercise burn on a HRM. My RMR is 2506(measured) I am (5'8" - 295.4)

The first 30 lbs I had lost was purely by walking and light weightlifting. Im at the same amount of calories as I am now. I kicked my workouts into high gear by riding 45 - 55 miles a week (4-5 days, 45 minutes each @ 13.5mph pace), 90 - 120 minute hikes on Saturdays (burning 1000-1200 calories on HRM) and adding in 3x 20 minutes super set lifting

To me I was thinking ok here we go, gonna kick *kitten* and see lots of change on the scale/inches. I have been doing this for about 12 weeks now and not losing much scale weight, but I did lose some inches here and there but nothing crazy. I do notice some body composition changes ( some muscle tone poking through on the legs, some shapes forming under the fat on my arms, my shoulders looking better ect). I do notice that my fat seems "flabbier and danglier" if that's even a thing.

I am going to keep doing this as I am training to do Half Dome at Yosemite in October, but it is a wee bit discouraging.

What do you guys think?


  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    MOD: Please delete I posted in wrong forum! Posting into weight loss help.